
over there造句

over there造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:55:32


over there造句

  • 1、I take itover there.(我把它帶到那里去。)
  • 2、There it is, on the cornerover there.(在那兒,在那邊轉(zhuǎn)角處。)
  • 3、We could put some of the pictures over on that blank wallover there.(我們可以在那邊的空墻上貼一些畫。)
  • 4、Hey, maybe I should goover there.(嘿,或許我該去那里。)
  • 5、Quick, bag that tableover there!(快點(diǎn)占住那邊的桌子!)
  • 6、My school isover there.(我的學(xué)校在那邊。)
  • 7、Keep quiet! John'sover there.(安靜!約翰在那邊。)
  • 8、Unless I'm very much mistaken, that's Paul's wifeover there.(要是我沒太弄錯(cuò)的話,那邊那個(gè)就是保羅的妻子。)
  • 9、There is a schoolover there.(那有一個(gè)學(xué)校。)
  • 10、That's Peterover there.(那邊那個(gè)人是彼得。)
  • 11、That's my dadover there.(那邊那位是我爸爸。)
  • 12、There's a rainbowover there!(那邊有道彩虹!)
  • 13、Guys, let's goover there.(嘿,各位,我們到那邊去。)
  • 14、Isn't there a boatover there?(那不是有艘船嗎?)
  • 15、Is that a cowover there?(那邊那個(gè)是一頭母牛嗎?)
  • 16、"You go down that passagewayover there."—"Which one?"(“你順著那邊的過道走。”—“哪個(gè)過道?”)
  • 17、Someone is boatingover there.(那邊有人在劃船呢。)
  • 18、'He'sover there,' said Ali, waving a hand towards some trees.(“他在那兒?!卑⒗镎f著朝幾棵樹揮了揮手。)
  • 19、My hope is that, in the future, I will goover there and marry her.(我的希望就是有朝一日我能去那里跟她結(jié)婚。)
  • 20、You'reover there, while I'm over here.(你在那里,而我在這里。)
  • 21、The car is rightover there.(車就在那里。)
  • 22、The cafe is just across the roadover there.(咖啡館就在馬路對(duì)面那邊。) hao86.com
  • 23、Jack standsover there.(杰克站在那兒。)
  • 24、All right, standover there.(好的,站那邊。)
  • 25、Can you see that boatover there?(你能看到那邊那條船嗎?)
  • 26、They are chatting awayover there.(他們正在那邊聊天。)
  • 27、What's happeningover there?(那里發(fā)生了什么事情?)
  • 28、It'sover there. Let's go.(在那邊。我們?nèi)グ伞?
  • 29、It'sover there behind the big tree.(它在那邊一棵大樹的后面。)
  • 30、Can you pass me that thingover there?(把那邊那個(gè)東西遞給我好嗎?)

over there基本釋義

over there

英 [??uv? e??] 美 [?ov? e?r] 
