
catch up with造句

catch up with造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:55:31


catch up with造句

  • 1、Momentarily, disgrace cancatch up with you.(即刻,恥辱會追趕上你。)
  • 2、Most late developers willcatch up with their friends.(絕大多數(shù)發(fā)育晚的人都將趕上他們的朋友們。)
  • 3、This is your time tocatch up with the person you love.(這是你用來迷住你愛的那個人的時間。)
  • 4、At a minimum, you should spend two hours in the evening studying in order tocatch up with your classmates.(為了趕上同學(xué),你晚上至少應(yīng)該花兩個小時學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 5、If a good runner like you can'tcatch up with him, how can I?(你跑得那么快還趕不上他,何況我呢?)
  • 6、Go after them quickly. You maycatch up with them.(你們快快地去追趕,就必追上。)
  • 7、By studying hard Icatch up with the others of the class.(通過努力學(xué)習(xí),我終于趕上班里的其他的同學(xué)了。)
  • 8、In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers tocatch up with the news.(早上,我只是舒適地坐著讀報紙,了解新聞。)
  • 9、I mustcatch up with my class.(我必須趕上同班同學(xué)。)
  • 10、Make time tocatch up with an old friend.(抽時間聯(lián)系聯(lián)系老朋友。)
  • 11、We must exert ourselves tocatch up with them, or it would be too late.(我們要急起直追,否則就太晚了。)
  • 12、Each task then tries tocatch up with this ideal time.(每個任務(wù)將設(shè)法跟上這個速度。)
  • 13、After missing a term through illness he had to work hard tocatch up with the others.(他因病休學(xué)一學(xué)期,不得不努力學(xué)習(xí)好趕上別的同學(xué)。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、I couldn'tcatch up with him.(我攆不上他。)
  • 15、'The fact is we still have a way to go before real robotscatch up with their science fiction counterparts,' Gates says.(蓋茨說:“事實上,在真正的機器人趕上科幻小說中的機器人之前,我們還有很長的路要走?!?
  • 16、The teacher willcatch up with Tom sooner or later.(湯姆早晚要受到老師的懲罰。)
  • 17、The less advanced strives tocatch up with the more advanced.(后進趕先進。)
  • 18、He runs so fast that I can notcatch up with him.(他跑得特別快,我追不上他。)
  • 19、You go first, and I'llcatch up with you later.(你先走,我隨后趕上你。)
  • 20、Before Gallacher couldcatch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it.(在加拉赫能接住球之前,納德洛夫就已經(jīng)比他先接到了。)
  • 21、He stopped and let hercatch up with him.(他停下了,讓她趕上自己。)
  • 22、I'll do my best tocatch up with them.(我要盡全力趕上他們。)
  • 23、Would she let himcatch up with her?(她會讓他跟上她嗎?)
  • 24、We'll do our best tocatch up with the advanced world levels.(我們將努力趕上世界先進水平。)
  • 25、Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts tocatch up with the West.(像在俄羅斯的許多人一樣,她把這個國家的錯誤歸咎于想趕上西方的徒勞。)
  • 26、He quickened his pace tocatch up with them.(他加快腳步追趕他們。)

catch up with基本釋義

catch up with

英 [k?t? ?p wie] 美 [k?t? ?p w?e] 