call for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:02:22


call for造句

  • 1、Thecall for law and order replaced the "permissive tolerance" of the 1960s.(對法治的呼吁取代了20世紀60年代的“姑息忍讓”。)
  • 2、There isn't a lot ofcall for small specialist shops nowadays.(如今對小型專賣店已沒有多大需求了。)
  • 3、It will be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate,call for a very minimum of publicity.(其銷售將按照已講的條件進行,概括地說,就是要求盡量少宣傳。)
  • 4、The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this: different stages in the product life cyclecall for different strategies.(產(chǎn)品生命周期對營銷人員的重要性是:在產(chǎn)品生命周期的不同階段需要不同的策略。)
  • 5、There she would remain, eating her heart away with longing, till Clara wouldcall for her to come.(她將留在那里,渴望地侵蝕著她的心,直到克拉拉喊她來。)
  • 6、Sorry to bother you , but there's acall for you on line two.(很抱歉打擾你一下,二號線有你的電話。)
  • 7、They have issued a globalcall for robotic assistance and are likely to put more robots to work shortly.(他們已經(jīng)向全球發(fā)出了使用機器人援助的呼吁,并可能很快讓更多機器人投入工作。)
  • 8、Air pollutioncall for our special concern.(空氣污染問題需要我們的特別關注。)
  • 9、"There's nocall for talk like that," Mrs. Evans reproved him.(“沒有必要說那種話,”埃文斯太太責備他道。)
  • 10、A truck driver used his CB radio tocall for help.(卡車司機用民用波段無線電呼救。)
  • 11、"Have you got just plain chocolate?"—"No, I'm afraid there's not muchcall for that."(“有純巧克力嗎?”—“沒有,恐怕對這種巧克力的需求不多?!?
  • 12、Crowds at Tel Aviv's main square added to the growingcall for withdrawal from the war-torn territory.(特拉維夫大廣場上的人群進一步呼吁從這個飽受戰(zhàn)爭蹂躪的地區(qū)撤軍。)
  • 13、We support thecall for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.(我們支持《權利法案》制定的呼吁。)
  • 14、These riots should be a wake-upcall for the government.(這些暴亂該為政府敲響警鐘了。) 【好工具】
  • 15、After an initial surge of interest, there has been littlecall for our services.(過了開始的一陣新鮮勁后,對我們服務的需求就變得很小。)
  • 16、Recruitment advertisements routinelycall for 'team players'.(招聘廣告經(jīng)常會招聘“有團隊精神的人”。)
  • 17、The spicy flavours in these dishescall for reds rather than whites.(這些菜肴味道辛辣,宜配紅葡萄酒而不是白葡萄酒。)
  • 18、"I'llcall for you at ten," she said decisively.(“我10點來接你,”她果斷地說。)
  • 19、I'llcall for you at 7 o'clock.(我7點鐘去接你。)
  • 20、The knee-jerk reaction to this is tocall for proper security in all hospitals.(對此類狀況的第一反應是要求所有醫(yī)院都采取相應的安全措施。)
  • 21、He didn't even have the intelligence tocall for an ambulance.(他連呼叫救護車的頭腦都沒有。)
  • 22、Acall for a vote of no-confidence was rejected.(投不信任票的請求被拒絕了。)
  • 23、I book a wake-upcall for 4:45 a.m.(我預訂了凌晨4點45分的叫醒電話。)
  • 24、This is the lastcall for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome.(乘坐英國航空公司199次班機飛往羅馬的乘客,這是最后一次通知登機。)
  • 25、There was a unanimouscall for an explanation.(大家一致要求他作出解釋。)
  • 26、Paine's words are a clarioncall for democracy.(潘恩所言是一番對民主運動的傾情召喚。)
  • 27、The new rulescall for blood centres to develop more ways to make sure their work is done correctly.(新的規(guī)則要求血液中心開發(fā)更多的方法來確保他們的工作可正確地實施。)
  • 28、Doctors work an average of 90 hours a week, while a few are oncall for up to 120 hours.(醫(yī)生們平均每周工作90個小時,而有些出診長達120個小時。)

call for基本釋義

call for

英 [k?:l f?:] 美 [k?l f?r] 