
dead beat造句

dead beat造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:02:08


dead beat造句

  • 1、He wasdead beat after a day's work.(一天工作下來他筋疲力竭了。)
  • 2、Firstly this paper builds the inverter model. Secondly it makes theoretical analysis on feedback control, iteration control, PID control anddead beat control.(論文首先建立了逆變器的模型,然后對狀態(tài)反饋控制、重復控制、PID控制和無差拍控制算法進行了理論分析。)
  • 3、You lookdead beat.(你好像累得夠戧。)
  • 4、A robust dead-beat synchronization method was presented for discrete chaotic systems using adaptive channel blind equalization and dead-beat chaotic synchronization.(結(jié)合自適應信道盲均衡和離散混沌系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)健差拍同步提出了一種存在信道畸變時的離散混沌系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)健差拍同步方法。)
  • 5、They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.(他們剝?nèi)ニ囊律?,把他打個半死,就丟下他走了。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 6、The long-distance runner wasdead beat as he crossed the finishing line.(長跑運動員在沖過終點線時已筋疲力盡。)
  • 7、No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff weredead beat and longing to get home.(沒有商店是在最后一刻圣誕購物者和工作人員擁擠的懷疑死亡毆打和渴望回家。)
  • 8、I really don't know what to bedead beat exhaustion cases more than painting, to be absorbed in the.(真不知道還有什么在不精疲力竭消耗體力的情況下比繪畫更使人全神貫注了。)
  • 9、Another $100m is expected by the end of the year, putting him on course to beat Elvis Presley's beyond-the-grave earnings to become the top-earner among dead stars.(據(jù)估計,今年年底之前,杰克遜又可再賺1億美元,很快就會超過貓王,成為史上死后賺錢最多的明星。)
  • 10、No beat or squeeze when connect load to the outer axis of gear speed reducer so that not to arise deformation and dislocation, bad noise or locked dead.(齒輪減速器的出軸與負載連接時不能重力敲打、擠壓,以免造成內(nèi)部變形走位,產(chǎn)生嚴重噪聲或卡死現(xiàn)象。)
  • 11、The other popular music delivery vehicle of the time, the boom box, was essentially a technological dead-end, notwithstanding the increasingly rare beat-bumping hoopty that rolls by.(這個時期另一個流行的音樂遞送工具:卡式錄音機基本是一條技術上的死路,盡管有著那些正在逐漸變得稀少的破舊車發(fā)出砰砰地音樂聲開過。)
  • 12、She now lives at the ashram as her mother is dead, father ran away in grief and her grandmother beat her.(當她的母親死的時候,她現(xiàn)在住在阿什·拉姆,父親在傷心事和她的祖母打方面逃走她的。)
  • 13、I hate to beat a dead horse, but it is very important that you understand this before you leave.(我不想多此一舉,但你離開以前必須了解這個。)
  • 14、I'mdead beat after going through all this mass of details of the case!(我看完這個案件的所有細節(jié)后簡直快累死了!)
  • 15、Eg. I 'mdead beat after going through all this mass of details of the case!(我看完這一大堆這個案件的所有細節(jié)后簡直快累死了!)
  • 16、He must bedead beat.(他肯定被打死了。)
  • 17、After a day of working, I'm dead (beat).(工作了一天,我精疲力盡了。)
  • 18、My horse isdead beat, and I can't get him no further than the stable.(我的馬太累了,我不能把它趕到比馬房更遠的地方。)

dead beat基本釋義

dead beat

英 [ded bi:t] 美 [d?d bit] 