
pull over造句

pull over造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:01:51


pull over造句

  • 1、I can'tpull over. This is a no-parking area.(我不能靠邊。這一帶不能停車。)
  • 2、If you feel drowsy while you are driving, you shouldpull over and rest a while.(你若開車時很困,就應(yīng)??柯愤呅菹⒁幌隆?
  • 3、Palmer has his driver topull over.(帕默叫他的司機靠邊停下車。)
  • 4、A: Pleasepull over right in front of the coffee shop!(請在那家咖啡店前靠邊停!)
  • 5、On her drive back to college, she'd suddenly broken into a cold sweat and had topull over to vomit.(當她開車回到大學,她突然出了一身冷汗,然后猛地嘔吐起來。)
  • 6、Oren has the limopull over behind a parked car and says goodbye.(歐倫叫司機把車停在一輛早就停在那的車旁邊,并向“將軍”道別。)
  • 7、Pleasepull over. I'm throwing up.(請靠邊停車。我快吐了。)
  • 8、But rather than turning around and heading back, you may just need topull over for the night and get some rest.(但你或許只是需要??恳煌?,休息下,而不是調(diào)頭回去。)
  • 9、Teri asks Tanya topull over when she recognizes a restaurant.(泰瑞在車上認出了一間餐館,她請?zhí)鼓釈I將車停在路邊。)
  • 10、Stop driving the vehicle when the oil pressure warning light comes on andpull over to a safe place.(當油壓燈亮起時,把車停在一個安全的地方。)
  • 11、He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating topull over.(他注意到后面一輛藍色福特車里的一個男人示意他靠邊停車。) hAo86.com
  • 12、Where did some cars and big transport truckspull over?(一些小汽車和大型運輸卡車停在了哪里?)
  • 13、pull over after you turn right at this stop sign.(在停車線右轉(zhuǎn)后靠邊停車。)
  • 14、I guess we had betterpull over.(我想我們最好靠邊停車。)
  • 15、You really shouldpull over and see what the police officer wants.(我把車停在路邊,讓我下車看看警察怎么說。)
  • 16、Some people genuinely cannotpull over. But many can.(誠然有些車行駛的位置確實無法做到靠邊讓行,但有很多可以,多數(shù)人只是選擇不去這么做。)
  • 17、If you're in your car and delivery is imminent,pull over to a safe area.(如果你在車上而生產(chǎn)即將開始,開到安全的地方。)
  • 18、Her driver knew all the best places topull over along Highway 101.(她的司機知道101高速公路上所有的最佳??奎c。)
  • 19、Pleasepull over and stop over there.(請靠邊停車,在那兒停下。)
  • 20、That's lucky for you. Oh, here's a gas station. I'llpull over.(你真是幸運。哦。這里有個加油站。我要停車了。)
  • 21、Let mepull over and we can check it out.(讓我靠邊停,我們可以檢查一下。)
  • 22、I wanted to stop but there was no place topull over.(我想要停車又沒有地方靠邊。)
  • 23、And if we have time, we will oftenpull over and pick it up.(只要時間來得及,我們總是將車開到路邊并將垃圾撿起來。)
  • 24、The water calls, and we soon 29)pull over to skip the perfectly smooth white stones that line the beach.(在湖水的召喚下,我們很快就在路邊停下來,避開湖濱非常光滑的白色石塊。)
  • 25、A few hundred yards farther on, White used his radio to signal the other cars topull over.(我們又往前開了幾百米,懷特用自己的對講機發(fā)信號示意其他車都停到路邊去。)
  • 26、When it is safe topull over to take a break then do so immediately.(如果安全的話就把車靠邊休息一下然后再開。)

pull over基本釋義

pull over

英 [pul ??uv?] 美 [p?l ?ov?] 
