clear up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:00:57


clear up造句

  • 1、Mr Koizumi forced banks and companies toclear up piles of bad loans.(小泉強(qiáng)制要求銀行與企業(yè)清除壞賬。)
  • 2、We might try toclear up some of the cabins in the superstructure.(我們或許可以設(shè)法清理出船上層的一些客艙。)
  • 3、I'llclear up the mess later.(我過會(huì)兒會(huì)把滴落的東西擦干凈。)
  • 4、But there are still some awkward issues toclear up.(但仍存在一些亟待解決的棘手問題。)
  • 5、If only it wouldclear up soon!(但愿天氣趕快放晴。)
  • 6、However, maybe it willclear up the mystery.(然而,或許說不定將來的某一天會(huì)解開它的謎底。)
  • 7、Could your eyes use some drop toclear up redness?(你的眼睛可以滴點(diǎn)眼藥水來清除血絲嗎?)
  • 8、Let'sclear up two misconceptions about forgiveness.(讓我們澄清兩種對寬恕的錯(cuò)誤看法。)
  • 9、The rain held up and there's no sign toclear up.(雨依然在下,而且沒有放晴的跡象。)
  • 10、It's a kind of contribution to tutor a classmate who's having trouble or helpclear up your neighbourhood.(輔導(dǎo)有困難的同學(xué)或者幫忙打掃社區(qū)衛(wèi)生都是一種奉獻(xiàn)行為。)
  • 11、In serious cases, antibiotics are needed toclear up the problem.(如果問題嚴(yán)重,必須使用抗生素才能治療。)
  • 12、Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help meclear up?(你能不能等別人走后留下來幫我收拾收拾?)
  • 13、Before you start the next section of this article,clear up your resources.(在進(jìn)入下一個(gè)小節(jié)之前,清除您的資源。)
  • 14、If that doesn'tclear up enough space, it's time to start removing unused applications.(如果這還不能清理出足夠的空間,你就得卸載一些沒用的應(yīng)用程序。)
  • 15、But first, let'sclear up a few myths.(但是首先讓我們戳穿一些謠言。)
  • 16、It willclear up soon.(天很快就會(huì)放晴。)
  • 17、There should be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or toclear up any problems.(應(yīng)該有你可以征求意見或?yàn)槟憬鉀Q問題的人。)
  • 18、I called for the butler toclear up the broken crockery.(我叫來男管家清理摔碎的陶瓷。)
  • 19、I think the trouble willclear up in a couple of days.(我想幾天內(nèi)麻煩就會(huì)消除。)
  • 20、clear up free radicals and their kin, and you will slow down the process of ageing.(清除自由激進(jìn)分子及其同類,你就可以減緩衰老的進(jìn)程。)
  • 21、I was just wanting toclear up a few details of the conference events we're organizing.(我只是想弄清楚我們正在組織的會(huì)議活動(dòng)的一些細(xì)節(jié)。)
  • 22、Antibiotics should be used toclear up the infection.(抗生素應(yīng)該用來治愈這種感染。)
  • 23、Are there any volunteers to helpclear up?(有自愿幫助清掃的人嗎?)
  • 24、First, we have toclear up Swat because that's very important for the military and the government—to bring this operation to a logical conclusion.(首先,我們必須清理斯瓦特,因?yàn)槟菍婈?duì)和政府來說非常重要,要使這次行動(dòng)有一個(gè)合乎邏輯的結(jié)論。)
  • 25、It's time toclear up.(該打掃了。)
  • 26、Smith finds it hard toclear up the mess, as her children are always in the way whenever she tries to.(史密斯發(fā)現(xiàn)很難收拾殘局,因?yàn)槊慨?dāng)她想收拾時(shí),孩子們總是礙手礙腳。)
  • 27、The symptoms willclear up of their own accord.(癥狀將會(huì)自行消失。)
  • 28、In many cases the disease willclear up of its own accord.(在很多情況下這種疾病會(huì)自動(dòng)地痊愈。)
  • 29、It is the rule of our school that the student who is on duty shouldclear up the classroom.(當(dāng)值的學(xué)生應(yīng)該打掃教室,這是我們學(xué)校的校規(guī)。)

clear up基本釋義

clear up

英 [kli? ?p] 美 [kl?r ?p] 
打掃; 清理; (天氣)放晴; 澄清