
clear out造句

clear out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:00:56


clear out造句

  • 1、If you lose your cell, the thief can text Hubbyfor a "forgotten" PIN and then use your bank card toclear out youraccount.(如果你丟了電話,小偷能發(fā)信息給你丈夫,問“忘記了”的個人識別碼,然后用你的銀行卡掃蕩你的帳戶。)
  • 2、clear out what are your obligations.(明確哪些事情是你必須做的。)
  • 3、She turned to the others in the room. "The rest of youclear out of here."(她轉(zhuǎn)向房間里的其他人,“你們其余的人都滾出去!”)
  • 4、Sometimes you need toclear out the cache yourself.(有時需要自己清除緩存。)
  • 5、Axel was helping herclear out her apartment in San Francisco when he heard he had won the Nobel Prize.(阿克塞爾得知自己獲得諾貝爾獎后幫助她清空了舊金山的公寓。)
  • 6、Because of fuzzy boundaries between WLAN stations, the WLAN link layer has a protocol toclear out an area before transmission.(由于WLAN工作站之間的模糊邊界,wlan鏈路層擁有在傳送前清除一個區(qū)域的協(xié)議。)
  • 7、I've cleared out my wardrobe and book shelf (more editing required) and now it's time toclear out the rest!(我開始沉迷于這種想法(這是一個健康的癮).我已經(jīng)清理了我的衣柜和書架(需要更多的編輯)現(xiàn)在該清理剩下的了!)
  • 8、Here is how it usually goes: make sure that you really want to do it,clear out the distractions, just start it etc.(這就是通常的說法:確定你真的想要做它,清除干擾,并且開始做它,等等。)
  • 9、Only one hint can be active at a time, and sync instructions, among other things,clear out any active hint.(一次只能有一個提示是活動的,與其他情況一樣,sync指令會清除任何活動提示。)
  • 10、clear out your inbox. I get joy out of an empty inbox, whether that's my email inbox or physical one.(如果收件箱空空蕩蕩的我也會感到開心,無論是我自己的郵件或者系統(tǒng)郵件。)
  • 11、He wouldclear out immediately, cross Nallappa's Grove, and reach the other side of the river.(他很快又會擁有純凈的人生了,他要穿過那拉帕樹林,到達河的對岸。)
  • 12、clear out this inbox and file, recycle, or otherwise process everything in it every day.(明確和重復(fù)使用一個收件夾和文件,或者用其他方式來處理每天放在里面的每一件事。)
  • 13、It's the right routine for me, but it's taken time toclear out some of the other commitments, and that's made for a busy year.(這樣的工作方式更適合我,不過轉(zhuǎn)型期間需要很多時間清理過去遺留的任務(wù),所以今年就變得很忙了。)
  • 14、If you use a desktop mail client like Outlook, you can export your mail data to a separate folder, thenclear out your active inbox.(如果你使用一個桌面郵件客戶端,你可以導(dǎo)出你的郵件數(shù)據(jù)到一個單獨的文件夾,然后清空活躍的收件箱。)
  • 15、When you are done using your Web mail, you can go into the Settings for the browser andclear out the cache.(當(dāng)你使用完web郵箱的時候,你可以在瀏覽器設(shè)置里清除緩存。)
  • 16、It might be that yawning helps toclear out the lungs by periodically lowering the pressure in them.(打哈欠可能通過周期性地降低肺部的壓力來幫助清理肺部。)
  • 17、For example, go through the mail orclear out your inbox.(比如說,瀏覽郵件或清理你的收件箱。) haO86.com
  • 18、We decided toclear out all the old clothes that we never wear.(我們決定把我們不再穿的舊衣服清除掉。)
  • 19、Let it sit for an hour or so, then run hot water down the drain toclear out the salt.(靜靜等上一個小時,然后倒些熱水清理掉鹽。)
  • 20、clear out any automatic correlation that's been performed by Performance Tester.(清除任何PerformanceTester執(zhí)行的自動關(guān)聯(lián)。)
  • 21、Get your colleagues to clean up andclear out the office on a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis.(讓你的同事或每月或每季或每半年清理一次辦公室。)
  • 22、Don't like the environment variables? Just get the current set with environment andclear out the map.(如果不喜歡環(huán)境變量,您可以使用environment獲得當(dāng)前設(shè)置,并調(diào)用clear清除映射。)
  • 23、The ability to rendezvous in orbit could be used to helpclear out space junk or inspect or fix satellites.(軌道相會技術(shù)可以被用作清理太空垃圾或是衛(wèi)星修理。)
  • 24、I'llclear out programs on my computer I don't use.(我還會卸載掉電腦里無需用到的程序。)
  • 25、Pay attention to backgrounds andclear out any elements you don't want in the final shot.(注意你的背景選擇,將任何所不需要的元素都剔除出去。)
  • 26、It has been suggested that yawning and hiccupping might serve toclear out the fetuses airways.(有人提出,打哈欠和打嗝可能有助于清理胎兒的氣道。)
  • 27、Start the summer off with a massiveclear out of all of the things you've accumulated this year.(把自己積累的東西來個徹底的清理,作為今年夏天的開始吧。)
  • 28、Listen, Em, I'm going toclear out of here for a few hours.(聽著,愛姆,我要在這兒清理幾個小時。)
  • 29、Make space -clear out some space in your house.(制造空間—在你的房子里清出一些空間。)
  • 30、TaskForce also creates an activity feed to helpclear out the numerous broadcast emails you receive every day.(TaskForce還能創(chuàng)建活動咨詢以此來幫助你清除那些每天你接收的大量廣播郵件。)

clear out基本釋義

clear out

英 [kli? aut] 美 [kl?r a?t] 
清除; 趕走; 離開