as much造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:00:39


as much造句

  • 1、She sparkles, and hasas much zest as a person half her age.(她聰慧而有朝氣,且有著與比她年齡小一半的人一樣多的熱情。)
  • 2、He piledas much food as he could onto his plate.(他把食物猛往自己盤子里堆。)
  • 3、Please help me get this job—you know I would doas much for you.(請幫我弄到這份工作—你知道我也會為你的事同樣盡力。)
  • 4、Temperatures can fluctuate byas much as 10 degrees.(溫差可達10度之多。)
  • 5、Sam retorted that it was my faultas much as his.(薩姆反駁說我和他同樣有錯。)
  • 6、He putas much feeling into his voice as he could.(他盡可能把感情融進他的聲音。)
  • 7、He doesn't earnas much as me.(他掙的錢比我少。)
  • 8、The historic building isas much part of our heritage as the paintings.(這座歷史建筑和這些繪畫作品一樣也是留給我們的遺產(chǎn)的組成部分。)
  • 9、The new job doesn't payas much but we won't starve!(新工作的工資沒有過去多,不過我們不至于挨餓!)
  • 10、Under the new rules, some factories will cut emissions byas much as 90 percent.(根據(jù)新規(guī)定,一些工廠將要削減多達90%的排放量。)
  • 11、Some old machines go foras much as 35,000 dollars.(一些舊機器以多達3.5萬美元的價格出售。)
  • 12、The organizers hope to raiseas much as $6M for charity.(組織者們希望籌集到多達6百萬美元的慈善款。)
  • 13、Their aim will be to produceas much milk as possible.(他們的目標是盡可能多地產(chǎn)奶。)
  • 14、It's obviously important to getas much mileage out of the convention as possible.(從契約中得到盡可能多的好處顯然很重要。)
  • 15、Religious unity remainedas much a chimera as ever.(宗教統(tǒng)一仍舊是一通幻想。)
  • 16、He doesn't earnas much as I do.(他掙的錢不如我多。)
  • 17、She is a TV addict and watchesas much as she can.(她是一個電視迷,看盡可能多的電視。)
  • 18、Cats sleep twiceas much as people.(貓睡覺的時間比人長一倍。)
  • 19、I'd kept out of his wayas much as I could.(我一直盡量躲避著他。) 【好工具】
  • 20、Takeas much time as you like.(你想花多少時間就花多少時間。)
  • 21、Bad corks get the rap foras much as 15 percent of tainted wine.(壞木塞被指造成多達15%的葡萄酒受污染。)
  • 22、Spending on health is halfas much again as it was in 1998.(衛(wèi)生保健方面的開銷比1998年增長了一半。)
  • 23、Unrestricted fares will be increasedas much as $80 one-way.(彈性票價將增加至高達單程$80。)
  • 24、I enjoy pleasureas much as the next person.(我享受的樂趣和別人一樣多。)
  • 25、Find outas much as you can about him and report back to me.(盡量查找有關他的資料,向我匯報。)
  • 26、Malone, a cop, feltas much an outsider as any of them.(馬隆,一個警察,跟他們中任何人一樣感到自己是個外人。)
  • 27、The mention of price increases sent citizens out to buy upas much as they could.(價格上漲的風聲使得民眾外出搶購盡可能多的東西。)
  • 28、We want to expose the kids toas much art and culture as possible.(我們想讓孩子們受到盡可能多的藝術和文化熏陶。)
  • 29、You're waiting for a woman – I thoughtas much.(你在等一個女人–這我早料到了。)

as much基本釋義

as much

英 [?z m?t?] 美 [?z m?t?] 
也; 同樣