
come to nothing造句

come to nothing造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:00:37


come to nothing造句

  • 1、How sad that all his hard work shouldcome to nothing.(他的所有辛勤勞動(dòng)竟全部付諸東流,太讓人傷心了。)
  • 2、Heidi had come again to the pasture with him, she did nothing but talk to the old gentleman.(海蒂又和他一起來(lái)到牧場(chǎng),什么也沒(méi)做,只是跟那個(gè)老頭說(shuō)話(huà)。)
  • 3、A delay of just a few days in sowing and a whole year's hard work mightcome to nothing.(播種季節(jié)只要拖幾天,全年的辛勤勞動(dòng)就可能化為烏有。)
  • 4、All his hopes and plans hadcome to nothing.(他的一切希望和計(jì)劃都成泡影。)
  • 5、The authors spent five years studying the behaviour of their 344 "exceptional companies", only to come up at first with nothing.(兩位作者花了5年時(shí)間研究那344家“杰出公司”的行為,沒(méi)想到起初卻一無(wú)所獲。)
  • 6、Sometimes I think your persistence will be rewarded, orcome to nothing, but now I really very tired, and with a heart filled with anger and unwilling.(有時(shí)我就在想自己的堅(jiān)持會(huì)不會(huì)得到回報(bào),還是化為烏有,可現(xiàn)在的自己真的很累,還加帶著滿(mǎn)心的怨氣和不甘。)
  • 7、However, we shall not tolerate another major incident, and those involved will find their attemptscome to nothing.(不過(guò),我們不會(huì)容忍另一個(gè)主要事件,有關(guān)人士會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)他們的企圖落空。)
  • 8、The wicked man will see and be vexed, he will gnash his teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked willcome to nothing.(惡人看見(jiàn)此情此景必然滿(mǎn)腔妒恨咬牙切齒地消逝;惡人的盼望定必幻滅。)
  • 9、But I said no. I was certain that her efforts, which might in any casecome to nothing, would waste more time than it would take for me to get half way there.(但是我不讓她去叫她,深信這是白費(fèi)力氣,而且這樣一折騰所費(fèi)的時(shí)間比我趕一半路的時(shí)間還要長(zhǎng)。)
  • 10、These laws and regulations make the Bankrupt lawcome to nothing.(這些法規(guī)和規(guī)章架空了破產(chǎn)法。)
  • 11、Only to have that enthusiasm fizzle away, and all our best intentionscome to nothing?(那種熱情是否很快就消失了,而我們的目標(biāo)也完全沒(méi)有實(shí)現(xiàn)呢?)
  • 12、The knowledge that our plans hadcome to nothing was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened.(意識(shí)到我們的計(jì)劃全部失敗是件痛苦的事,我心中的那種殘忍脾性覺(jué)醒過(guò)來(lái)了。)
  • 13、But it's just as likely that a tour willcome to nothing.(但是結(jié)果很可能是這場(chǎng)觀光之旅什么也不能帶來(lái)。)
  • 14、Question your fear. How likely is it to happen? How many times have similar worriescome to nothing?(懷疑你的擔(dān)心。它發(fā)生了又能怎么樣呢?多少次類(lèi)似的擔(dān)心不都變成了無(wú)關(guān)緊要的事了嗎?)
  • 15、The life seems to have no idea, there is no accident, no purpose, no expression, no results, but is full of struggle andcome to nothing.(人生本無(wú)意外——諸多事件似乎沒(méi)有頭緒,沒(méi)有目的,沒(méi)有表達(dá),沒(méi)有結(jié)果,充滿(mǎn)糾結(jié)又沒(méi)有緣由。)
  • 16、His years of efforts have finallycome to nothing.(他多年的努力最終毫無(wú)結(jié)果。)
  • 17、It decrease orcome to nothing probability of unencrypted file recovery.(它減少或落空的加密文件恢復(fù)的可能性。)
  • 18、Their meeting hadcome to nothing.(他們之間的會(huì)見(jiàn)毫無(wú)結(jié)果。)
  • 19、Our life is like a journey, thought is a guide, no tour guide, everything will stop. The target will lose strength willcome to nothing.(我們的生活就像旅行,思想是導(dǎo)游者,沒(méi)有導(dǎo)游者,一切都會(huì)停止。目標(biāo)會(huì)喪失,力量也會(huì)化為烏有。)
  • 20、When I come home from work, I have nothing to say.(當(dāng)我下班回家時(shí),我無(wú)話(huà)可說(shuō)。)
  • 21、How dare all my hard work and sacrificecome to nothing?(我怎敢所有辛勤工作和犧牲落空?)
  • 22、It seemed that mom's dream of having a boy hadcome to nothing.(看樣子?jì)寢屔粋€(gè)小弟弟的夢(mèng)想是破滅了。)
  • 23、All this effort and sacrifice hascome to nothing.(所有這些努力和犧牲都白費(fèi)了。)
  • 24、Once I explored, but I always had sad ending, why my dreams alwayscome to nothing?(曾經(jīng)默默地求索,但結(jié)局總是憂(yōu)傷—為什么理想的夢(mèng)常????)
  • 25、Though the prophet's word may come to an end, tonguescome to nothing, and knowledge have no more value, love has no end.(愛(ài)是永不止息。先知講道之能,終必歸于無(wú)有。說(shuō)方言之能,終必停止,知識(shí)也終必歸于無(wú)有。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 26、Nothing about this sum has come to light.(這個(gè)數(shù)目一點(diǎn)也被沒(méi)揭露。)

come to nothing基本釋義

come to nothing

英 [k?m tu: ?n?θi?] 美 [k?m tu ?n?θ??] 

動(dòng)詞落空; 化為烏有; 化為泡影; 完全失敗,終成泡影