
at full tilt造句

at full tilt造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:00:21


at full tilt造句

  • 1、Knowing what motivates and drives you and your employees can also explain your frustrations when you don't see your team performingat full tilt.(弄清楚是什么激勵并驅(qū)動你和你的員工,也可以在你沒注意到團隊協(xié)作傾斜時解釋你的挫敗。)
  • 2、EXAMPLE: Drivenat full tilt, my new car can take me from my home to my office in less than fifteen minutes.(如果全速駕駛,我的新車可以在不到一刻鐘內(nèi)將我從家送到辦公室。)
  • 3、They had their menus for the week planned out, their pantries were fully stocked, everyone workingat full tilt, and suddenly they were told it was all over.(他們已經(jīng)為這周的菜譜做了策劃,他們的儲藏室已經(jīng)被裝滿,所有的人都在開足馬力工作,這個時候卻突然告訴他們GAMEOVER!)
  • 4、His excitement had been goingat full tilt for years. As a toddler he put his foot deliberately on a large brown killer snake; it seemed to like it.(他對于動物的興奮之情已經(jīng)持續(xù)數(shù)年,還在學步之時,他就曾經(jīng)把腳有意伸向一條巨大的棕色毒蛇,這條蛇似乎對此并不反感。)
  • 5、The theoretic analyses show that the full width at half maximums (FWHM) of different slopes are the same, that is the FWHM of confocal axial response is irrelevant to tilt Angle.(理論分析表明共焦軸向響應的半極值寬與被測表面的傾角大小無關。)
  • 6、Three fishermen are fishing with fishnet. Two fishers are drawing back the big netat full tilt. Another is pitching to fish out the fishes.(圖中三位漁夫以網(wǎng)捕魚,兩漁夫往后用力拉起大網(wǎng),一漁夫前傾在大網(wǎng)中撈魚,生動描繪了漁夫的勞作情形。)
  • 7、It will, however, travel between the two cities at less than full tilt, at an average speed of 350 km per hour.(然而,當在上述兩個城市之間運行時,它不會滿負荷工作,而是會把時速控制在平均350公里每小時。)
  • 8、When they saw the shark, the bathers swamat full tilt to the shore.(游泳者看到鯊魚時,便全速游向岸邊。)
  • 9、You could say that rather than running a carmaker, Mr Wagoner has been operating a giant value-destruction machineat full tilt.(你甚至可以說,他哪是在經(jīng)營汽車廠商,簡直是全力運轉(zhuǎn)一架毀錢機器!)
  • 10、Tear the head after cleaning, the stains fall of with water. Do notextrude itat full tilt, put into water and sway lightly can take the stains that adhere in glass wiper away.(清潔完后撕下玻璃刮頭。在使用完后不必大力擰洗,放入清水晃動便可將粘附在玻璃刮上的污垢隨清水脫落,然后甩掉水份自然晾干后保存即可。)
  • 11、While I might not have been as full-tilt as the lady who yelled at the airline personnel, there was a time in my life not long ago when I would have been, well, huffy.(我可能不會象那個沖著工作人員吼叫的女士那樣暴跳如雷,但前幾久我有一次努力控制激動情緒的經(jīng)歷。)
  • 12、When we play happily, a child threwat full tilt and broke the windows of a house.(當我們玩得高興的時候,一個小孩扔得過于用力,把一間房屋的窗戶打碎了。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 13、Gan Ning's 100 crossed the campat full tilt, slaying anyone they encountered.(那甘寧百騎,在營內(nèi)縱橫馳驟,逢著便殺。)
  • 14、He ranat full tilt to the street.(他全速的沿街沖去。)

at full tilt基本釋義

at full tilt

[?t ful tilt] 
全速地; 全力地