
follow suit造句

follow suit造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:05:50


follow suit造句

  • 1、If you're going there on foot, I think I'llfollow suit.(如果你步行去那兒,我想我也步行去吧。)
  • 2、Maryland, Connecticut and California mayfollow suit.(馬里蘭、康乃狄克與加利福尼亞也可能跟進(jìn)。)
  • 3、If Kyl agrees, the majority of the caucus willfollow suit.(假如凱爾同意,核心會議的多數(shù)人會隨聲附和。)
  • 4、Could Afghanistan and Mexicofollow suit?(阿富汗和墨西哥是否能仿效這種方式呢?)
  • 5、France is due tofollow suit on a more limited scale.(法國預(yù)計也跟進(jìn)實(shí)施較少的限制規(guī)模。)
  • 6、Britain may wish tofollow suit.(英國不妨效仿。)
  • 7、This month Mexico City willfollow suit .(本月,墨西哥城也會做出同樣決定。)
  • 8、More are likely tofollow suit in the weeks to come.(接下來幾周,還會有更多人們效仿。)
  • 9、You can convince others tofollow suit.(你能說服別人跟隨。)
  • 10、Look for other developers tofollow suit.(期盼著其他的游戲開發(fā)商也跟著這樣做。)
  • 11、Other countries shouldfollow suit.(其他國家應(yīng)該效仿這種作法。)
  • 12、I'llfollow suit.(我會照著做的。)
  • 13、If your boss opens his laptop on transport,follow suit.(如果你的老板在途中打開電腦工作,請效法。)
  • 14、Some other countries mayfollow suit.(另一些國家可能效仿。)
  • 15、It won so many customers that other operators had tofollow suit.(它贏得了如此多的客戶以致于其它運(yùn)營商不得不跟著做。)
  • 16、Should other countriesfollow suit?(那么其它國家應(yīng)該效仿嗎?)
  • 17、Other countries are expected tofollow suit.(其他國家也等待著效仿此舉。)
  • 18、Might these encourage others tofollow suit?(這會不會鼓勵別國的跟風(fēng)?)
  • 19、Perhaps BP willfollow suit.(或許BP會效仿這家公司的做法。)
  • 20、Twitter might ultimately want tofollow suit.(Twitter最終可能也想效仿。)
  • 21、I hope this will inspire other countries tofollow suit.(我希望此舉能激勵其他國家相繼呼應(yīng)。)
  • 22、Efforts to persuade the remainder tofollow suit have continued.(說服其余的人也跟著做的努力在繼續(xù)。)
  • 23、Then India wouldfollow suit, as would Pakistan.(印度和巴基斯坦也會如法炮制。)
  • 24、Other firms are expected tofollow suit.(預(yù)計其他公司也將效仿。)
  • 25、He hopes Britain's experience willfollow suit.(他希望英國也能仿效他們的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。)
  • 26、For several reasons, Obama can't - or won't -follow suit.(出于幾個理由,奧巴馬不能,也不該效仿前者。)
  • 27、Other cities may nowfollow suit.(別的城市也許會馬上跟進(jìn)。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】

follow suit基本釋義

follow suit

英 [?f?l?u sju:t] 美 [?fɑlo sut] 
學(xué)樣; 照著做