
have an eye for造句

have an eye for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:03:20


have an eye for造句

  • 1、We firmly believe that if youhave an eye for quality, our products are for you.(我們堅信,如果你有一個眼質(zhì)量,我們的產(chǎn)品給你。)
  • 2、If theyhave an eye for fashion.(如果他們有時尚的眼光。)
  • 3、It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as youhave an eye for it.(在校園里,只要你有一只眼睛,它就可以在校園里到處都是美麗的。)
  • 4、I will keep it on until one day I think "the standard 'of Chinese aesthetics becomes normal. I often told my collectors to collect one for each year on a series if theyhave an eye for art."(楊:我會一直灌輸這個東西,除非那天中國審美,我認為是正常了,而且我現(xiàn)在也在勸我的收藏者,如果你們有眼光就每年收藏一張,系列的收藏。)
  • 5、Fish alsohave an eye for different shapes.(魚還能辨別不同的形狀。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 6、Applicants shouldhave an eye for detail.(申請者對細節(jié)應該獨具慧眼。)
  • 7、You reallyhave an eye for fashion.(你真會挑選流行服飾。)
  • 8、Worse, companies would have to keep an eye out even for the “remote”possibility of expensive litigation: for example, by watching scientificjournals for findings that could later result in lawsuits.(更糟糕的是,公司不得不對最不可能發(fā)生的代價高昂的訴訟保持關(guān)注。比如說,要閱讀學術(shù)雜志以便找到那些日后可能導致訴訟的信息。)
  • 9、Yes, it's the latest product and is highly recommended because of its fine design and quality. You certainlyhave an eye for good things.(是。這是我們廠的最新產(chǎn)品,它由于設(shè)計好、質(zhì)量高而廣受好評。您可真有眼光。)
  • 10、You dohave an eye for paintings.(你的確對油畫有很高的鑒賞力。)
  • 11、They have also looked for interesting asteroids, and kept an eye out for solar storms.(業(yè)余天文學家們也已參與尋找有趣的小行星和觀測太陽風暴。)
  • 12、If youhave an eye for style, like to shop and help others, then consider working as a personal shopper.(如果你有時尚的眼光,喜歡購物和幫助別人,然后再考慮做導購。)
  • 13、An overview of some research into lateralisation: the dominance of one side of the body over the other creatures across the animal kingdom have a preference for one foot, eye or even antenna.(有關(guān)側(cè)化的一些研究的概述:在動物界中,身體一側(cè)對其他生物的支配通常是由一只腳、一只眼睛,甚至是一根觸角來完成的。)
  • 14、Youhave an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm.(你有一雙發(fā)現(xiàn)美的眼睛,對與平衡與旋律也很有感覺。)
  • 15、Studies have shown, for example, that two drugs are about equally effective in treating macular degeneration, an eye disease.(例如,有一些研究表明,兩種藥物治療黃斑變性這種眼病的效果差不多。)
  • 16、Most well-educated people shouldhave an eye for the differences between right and wrong.(大部分受過良好教育的人,都該有辨別是非的能力。)
  • 17、There's a growing need for vibrant, creative and dedicated people who are great organizers, good communicators andhave an eye for detail.(由于市場對于充滿活力、富有創(chuàng)造力、有奉獻精神又同時善于組織、溝通且關(guān)注細節(jié)的人才的需求量有不斷增加的趨勢。)
  • 18、Youhave an eye for beauty.(你很有審美眼光。)
  • 19、But whereas Indian touristshave an eye for a bargain, several of corporate India's acquisitions now seem ill-advised.(印度旅游者都知道要討價還價,但是印度的并購看來不那么劃算。)
  • 20、Experts say that doctors should keep an eye out for people with high odds of the disease-namely those who are overweight and have other diabetes risk factors.(專家說,醫(yī)生應該關(guān)注極有可能患糖尿病的人們,也就是說那些超重和有其它糖尿病風險因素的人。)
  • 21、He played well enough for the Spurs to sign him to a 3 year 7m deal and we all know the Spurshave an eye for talent.(他在馬刺一度表現(xiàn)不錯,因而拿到了3年700萬的合同,大家都知道馬刺一向眼光很毒的。)
  • 22、You reallyhave an eye for beauty.(你真有審美的眼光。絕對六星級的贊美!)
  • 23、The best leaders in the Seven Kingdomshave an eye for talent.(七大王國中最好的領(lǐng)導者具有發(fā)掘人才的慧眼。)
  • 24、If theyhave an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes.(如果他們關(guān)注時裝的話,寵物主人也會給他們的寵物穿上相應風格的衣服。)
  • 25、When your eyes feel tired after sitting for hours in front of a computer, have an eye-pack treatment.(當你因長時間坐在電腦前而眼睛覺得疲憊的時候,做一個眼包療法。)
  • 26、You seem tohave an eye for beauty.(看來你有一顆發(fā)現(xiàn)美的心靈呀。)
  • 27、Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.(警方要求居民密切注意一切可疑的情況。)
  • 28、Shehave an eye for colour.(她對顏色很有鑒賞力。)

have an eye for基本釋義

have an eye for

英 [h?v ?n ai f?:] 美 [h?v ?n a? f?r] 
