
piece together造句

piece together造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:07:21


piece together造句

  • 1、Let us now have a look at the body of a JCC trace and try topiece together some key elements.(現(xiàn)在讓我們來看看JCC跟蹤的主體,并試著將一些關(guān)鍵的元素拼接起來。)
  • 2、The study helps uspiece together a fuller picture of what we hear.(這項研究幫助我們拼湊出一幅完整的聽覺圖畫。)
  • 3、Kevin never answered my question directly. Over time, I've tried topiece together an answer of my own.(凱文從來沒有直接回答過這個問題。隨著時間推移,我努力批湊出了自己的答案。)
  • 4、We managed topiece together the truth from several sketchy accounts.(我們從幾方面粗略的說法中設(shè)法弄清了真相。)
  • 5、That should allow you topiece together anything you're not already sure about.(這將允許您將尚不確定的內(nèi)容整理在一起。) hAo86.com
  • 6、piece together the most relevant statements into a shorter, targeted version of your resume.(把所有最相關(guān)的內(nèi)容匯集成一份更簡短,更有針對性的簡歷。)
  • 7、We're able to filter out extraneous facts andpiece together only the necessary information for getting a job done.(這時候我們便擁有了過濾掉無關(guān)因素而把所需要的信息加以拼湊以完成一項工作的能力。)
  • 8、And using the text plus these archive notes, I think you will be able topiece together what you need.(使用這個課本,再加上存檔筆記,我想,你們已經(jīng)能組合出你們需要的了。)
  • 9、But at other times she says she's trying topiece together her life to work out who she is and what she's good at.(但是一些時候她也會說她要努力描繪她的生活,弄清楚自己到底想要什么和擅長什么。)
  • 10、piece together an opening sentence, preferably one that ties what has just gone on in the room with what you're going to say.(開場白句子最可能把房間里剛發(fā)生的事和你想說的聯(lián)系在一起。)
  • 11、Every day, Xu and his buddies head to the teaching building topiece together their happy college memories, with each student playing himself.(每天,徐秋實都和同伴們都來到教學(xué)樓里,每一個人都扮演著自己,大家一起來重拾大學(xué)美好記憶的點點滴滴。)
  • 12、Most companies will work with you topiece together a compensation package from sick leave short-term disability and vacation.(許多公司會與你一同拼湊一個薪酬包來應(yīng)對病假、短期的傷假和假期。)
  • 13、They have begun topiece together the whole history of the universe, from the big bang to the present day.(他們已著手把宇宙從大爆炸至今的歷史拼接起來。)
  • 14、He takes hundreds of high-resolution pictures of a whale and then put piece topiece together to create a life-sized image.(他拍攝了幾百張鯨魚高清晰度照片,然后將一張張拼湊成一個原尺寸大小的圖像。)
  • 15、Let ourselvespiece together the dragonfly well.(讓我們自己來把蜻蜓拼好吧。)
  • 16、Having said that, looking at the reasons why the person strayed can helppiece together what's left of what you had before.(已經(jīng)說過,看一下人為什么會出軌的原因能夠幫助你拼湊起以前有過卻失去的東西。)
  • 17、It was enough however topiece together some of their defiant mutterings.(然而,足以把這些話拼湊起來,知道他們發(fā)出了一些抵觸性的嘟噥。)
  • 18、In the following days, Frankie was able topiece together what had happened.(在接下來的幾天里,弗朗姬能夠漸漸弄清所發(fā)生的事情了。)
  • 19、Police are trying topiece together the last hours of her life.(警方正努力理清她在死亡之前數(shù)小時的情況。)
  • 20、It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could thenpiece together the story.(解決的辦法只能是先拍攝電影然后對對話進行翻譯,再把它剪輯拼接成完整的故事。)
  • 21、Wepiece together the fragment of memory to create the idea of future.(我們靠收集記憶碎片去創(chuàng)造未來的想象。)
  • 22、The find is part of a decades-long effort topiece together fragments of an ancient supercontinent that existed before Pangaea.(這個發(fā)現(xiàn)是堅持10之久、進行泛大陸之前存在的一塊古代超級大陸板塊拼合工作的一部分。)
  • 23、The detectives tried topiece together the facts.(偵探們說法把所有的事實拼湊在一起。)

piece together基本釋義

piece together

英 [pi:s t??ɡee?] 美 [pis t??ɡ?e?] 

拼湊; 把…拼合[湊]起來; 連貫; 七拼八湊