short of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:07:36


short of造句

  • 1、She feltshort of breath and flushed.(她感到氣短,臉也紅了。)
  • 2、Her last throw was only three centimetresshort of the world record.(她的最后一擲距世界紀(jì)錄只差三厘米。)
  • 3、With a difficult tee shot, select a club which will keep youshort of the trouble.(開球難度較大時(shí),選擇一根用起來能不給你添亂的高爾夫球桿。)
  • 4、Her father's illness left the familyshort of money.(他父親的病使得全家缺錢。)
  • 5、Last year's figures were littleshort of disastrous.(去年的數(shù)字簡直是災(zāi)難。)
  • 6、She stoppedshort of calling the president a liar.(她差一點(diǎn)兒沒指責(zé)校長說謊。)
  • 7、I'd never let you goshort of anything.(我什么都不會(huì)讓你缺的。)
  • 8、We areshort of candles.(我們?nèi)毕灎T。)
  • 9、The family wasshort of even the bare necessities of life.(那家人甚至沒有最起碼的生活所需。)
  • 10、He stopped a hundred yardsshort of the building.(他停在離那座建筑還有100碼遠(yuǎn)的地方。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 11、We've runshort of milk.(我們牛奶不夠了。)
  • 12、I'mshort of funds at the moment—can I pay you back next week?(我目前缺錢,下周還你行嗎?)
  • 13、It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronicallyshort of capital.(法律規(guī)定要關(guān)閉資金長期短缺的銀行。)
  • 14、The country is runningshort of hard currency to pay for imports.(該國目前缺乏硬通貨來支付進(jìn)口貨物。)
  • 15、He stoppedshort of explicitly criticizing the government.(他險(xiǎn)些就直言不諱地批評政府了。)
  • 16、She was justshort of her 90th birthday when she died.(她去世時(shí)就快過90歲生日了。)
  • 17、She is notshort of excuses when things go wrong.(事情出了差錯(cuò),她老有借口。)
  • 18、short of a miracle, we're certain to lose.(除非發(fā)生奇跡,否則我們輸定了。)
  • 19、I'mshort of cash right now.(我眼下正缺錢。)
  • 20、They are alwaysshort of water to drink, much less to bathe in.(他們總是缺飲用水,更不用說洗澡水了。)
  • 21、Many other cities areshort of barrier free facilities as well.(許多其他城市也缺乏無障礙設(shè)施。)
  • 22、The hotel fell farshort of their expectations.(旅館遠(yuǎn)沒有他們預(yù)期的那么好。)
  • 23、The transformation has been nothingshort of a miracle.(這種變化堪稱奇跡。)
  • 24、short of gagging the children, there was not much she could do about the noise.(除了不讓孩子們說話之外,她對那噪音無能為力。)
  • 25、Mothers regularly goshort of food to ensure their children have enough.(為了保證自己的孩子吃飽飯,做母親的經(jīng)常忍饑挨餓。)
  • 26、The numbers attending fellshort of expectations.(出席的人數(shù)比預(yù)期的要少。)
  • 27、This country isshort of natural resources but rich in human resources.(這個(gè)國家缺乏自然資源,卻有著豐富的人力資源。)
  • 28、He was 76 votesshort of the quota.(他比規(guī)定當(dāng)選票數(shù)少了76票。)
  • 29、Government forces are runningshort of ammunition and fuel.(政府軍正缺少彈藥和燃料。)

short of基本釋義

short of

英 [??:t ?v] 美 [??rt ?v] 
缺少; 達(dá)不到; 除 ... 以外