
take advantage of造句

take advantage of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:07:38


take advantage of造句

  • 1、In the 1940s, ATC centres could and didtake advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War, but the system remained rudimentary.(在20世紀40年代,空中交通管制中心能夠而且確實利用了第二次世界大戰(zhàn)中新研制的雷達和改進的無線電通訊,但是這個系統(tǒng)還處于初級階段。)
  • 2、If you live in a suburb or a city with good parks,take advantage of what's there.(如果你住在郊區(qū)或有不錯的公園的城市,就充分利用那里的資源。)
  • 3、There are honest mistakes, but at times someone may try totake advantage of you.(有些人是無心之過,但有時會有人試圖利用你。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、Parents should actively urge their children totake advantage of the opportunity to join sports team.(家長應積極督促孩子利用這個機會加入運動隊。)
  • 5、Now some experts are proposing that we shouldtake advantage of the teen brain's keen sensitivity to the presence of friends and leverage it to improve education.(現(xiàn)在,一些專家建議,我們應該利用青少年大腦對朋友的存在的敏感,并利用它來改善教育。)
  • 6、He explains, "If ant colonies had worked out a reliable way to identify the best routes between their nest and food sources, the company managers figured, why nottake advantage of that knowledge?"(他解釋說:“如果蟻群已經(jīng)找到了一種可靠的方法來確定蟻巢和食物源之間的最佳路線,那么公司經(jīng)理們就會想,為什么不利用這種知識呢?”)
  • 7、Hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one totake advantage of a lucky encounter.(努力工作通常是運氣的重要組成部分,因為它能讓人具備利用幸運際遇的能力。)
  • 8、These homes were all built totake advantage of simple, natural cooling methods–no air conditioner required.(這些住宅都利用簡單、自然的冷卻方法而建——無需空調(diào)。)
  • 9、Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was totake advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions.(她在職業(yè)生涯中期重返學術界的主要原因是利用更大的自由(空間)來選擇研究問題。)
  • 10、If you're too trusting, other people willtake advantage of you.(如果你過于輕信,其他人就會打你的主意。)
  • 11、The company is ideally placed totake advantage of the new legislation.(這家公司條件理想得很,恰好可以充分利用新法規(guī)。)
  • 12、There is, however, no dearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail totake advantage of widely available skills and machines.(然而,技術資源并不缺乏,相反,服務部門的管理人員未能利用廣泛可用的技能和機器。)
  • 13、The low growth form can also permit the plants totake advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover.(低矮生長形態(tài)也能讓植物利用冬季積雪提供的隔離環(huán)境。)
  • 14、Legislation and court decisions have made it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home and each year more peopletake advantage of that opportunity.(在大多數(shù)州,立法和法院裁決使父母在家教育他們的子女在法律上成為可能,每年都有更多的人利用這一機會。)
  • 15、You cantake advantage of this for your mobile applications.(您可以將這一優(yōu)勢用于您的移動應用。)
  • 16、It is surprising that it has taken people so long totake advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.(令人驚訝的是,人們花了那么長的時間才把一個雙贏的機會利用起來。)
  • 17、In order to efficientlytake advantage of the wild foods available, bands are often nomadic and move around following herds of animals.(為了有效地利用現(xiàn)有的野生食物,群體通常是游牧的,并跟隨成群的動物四處移動。)
  • 18、I'm going totake advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.(我想利用這次旅行來探索這座城堡的歷史。)
  • 19、I want totake advantage of your lifetime of scholarship.(我想從您一生的學術成就中獲益。)
  • 20、A very popular thing to do on Boxing Day is to go shopping andtake advantage of the sales.(節(jié)禮日最受歡迎的活動就是購物,趁機好好利用打折的機會。)
  • 21、Over the centuries, Etna's lowest slopes have been shaped by human hands totake advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts.(在過去的幾個世紀里,埃特納的最低斜坡是由人類的雙手塑造的,以利用肥沃的土壤來種植葡萄、蘋果和堅果。)
  • 22、A person's armpits have all the appeal, and some trufflestake advantage of such a human nature—at least to chemists.(一個人的腋窩會產(chǎn)生全部的吸引力,一些塊菌就是利用了這樣一種人性的特性——至少在化學家看來是這樣的。)
  • 23、Parents should actively urge their children totake advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams.(父母應積極督促孩子利用機會加入運動隊。)
  • 24、Many first-generation students "struggle to navigate the middle-class culture of higher education, learn the 'rules of the game', andtake advantage of college resources," they write.(他們寫道,許多一代學生“努力適應高等教育的中產(chǎn)階級文化,學習‘游戲規(guī)則’,并充分利用大學資源”。)
  • 25、If you are working on a word processor, you cantake advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands.(如果你使用的是文字處理軟件,你可以利用它的增刪功能,也可以通過幾個簡單的鍵盤命令來移動整個段落。)
  • 26、A trademark prevents others from using the identical or a similar word, name, or symbol totake advantage of the recognition and popularity of the brand or to create confusion in the marketplace.(商標可以防止其他人使用相同或相似的單詞、名稱或符號來利用品牌的認可度和知名度或在市場上造成困惑。)
  • 27、Industrialists must move fast totake advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe.(實業(yè)家們必須快速采取行動,抓住東歐的新機遇。)

take advantage of基本釋義

take advantage of

英 [teik ?d?vɑ:ntid? ?v] 美 [tek ?d?v?nt?d? ?v] 