rush out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:07:34


rush out造句

  • 1、Eat meal, I suddenly heard a "bang" sound, hurriedlyrush out.(吃過年夜飯,我俄然聽到“砰”地一聲響,趕緊奔了出去。)
  • 2、Then the three masked menrush out of the building.(然后,三名蒙面男子沖出大樓。)
  • 3、When the sergeant yelled out my number, I had to rush forward.(中士一喊出我的號,我就得立刻沖出去。)
  • 4、Then they cried together take white peacock, white peacock with people ready torush out.(隨后他們一起喊了起來活捉白孔雀,白孔雀帶著人準備沖出去。)
  • 5、Ready, waiting torush out.(準備好了,等著沖出去。)
  • 6、You would never lend him money; he wouldrush out and buy a gold corkscrew.(你永遠不能借給他錢,他會急急忙忙買來一個金開瓶器。)
  • 7、You don't have torush out and buy them immediately.(你沒必要立刻就買入他們,我認為這個9月將是一個反復(fù)震蕩的9月。)
  • 8、Or let merush out and have a rainstorm pour on me in the wild.(或沖出到野外去痛淋一場暴風雨;)
  • 9、You get up in the morning, you rush to get ready for work, yourush out the door without a breakfast.(每天早晨,起床后,你拿起早餐快速沖出大門去上班。)
  • 10、When you are at home, don'trush out in a panic.(當你在家時,不要匆忙的恐慌。)
  • 11、It is time torush out to the Nanjing Road.(是該沖出去到南京路的時候了。)
  • 12、A bus stops, and the peoplerush out.(一輛公共汽車停下,人們沖出去。)
  • 13、It is time torush out.(是該沖出去的時間了。)
  • 14、When summoned by the Lord,rush out without waiting for the horse carriage.(君主命令召見,不等馬車駕好便出發(fā)。)
  • 15、For example, your home into a mouse, a person you want torush out to you here.(比如你家里進了一只老鼠,你一個人想把它趕出去,你到了這里。)
  • 16、He saw two thievesrush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.(他看到有兩個小偷從一家商店里沖出來,奔向等在那里的一輛汽車。)
  • 17、Don't recommend yourush out and use it in any production apps.(不建議你沖出和使用任何生產(chǎn)的應(yīng)用軟件。)
  • 18、If they did, he mustrush out and get hold of the Witch and put on his yellow Ring before she had a chance to get into the house.(如果他們回來,他必須沖出去抓住女巫,趁她來不及踏進房子就戴上黃戒指。)
  • 19、A great number of peoplerush out of their homes or companies to travelling spots.(很多人沖出家門或公司去旅游。)
  • 20、However, if you make a plan for your next slow period, you can get ahead for your next work rush and come out better in the long run.(然而如果你為下一個低潮作出點計劃,就能在下一份工作和長遠上表現(xiàn)得更出色。)
  • 21、Already behind schedule, Microsoft decided torush out a release.(由于進度大大落后,微軟決定趕工。)
  • 22、Wait! You can't justrush out.(等等,你不能出去!)
  • 23、When peoplerush out into narrow streets, more deaths will result.(當人們涌向狹窄的街道時,會導(dǎo)致更多的死亡。)
  • 24、The words came out in a rush.(那些話一股腦兒都出來了。)
  • 25、She was trampled in the rush to get out.(她在大伙兒往外沖的時候被人踩了。)
  • 26、It is time torush out to the Nanjing Road to sweep the stores.(是該沖出去到南京路、橫掃各個商店的時候了。)

rush out基本釋義

rush out

英 [r?? aut] 美 [r?? a?t] 
奔出; 沖出; 匆匆大量趕制