out of place造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:07:08


out of place造句

  • 1、Does the logo seemout of place?(銀行的標(biāo)識(shí)是不是出現(xiàn)在了奇怪的位置?)
  • 2、For many traditional academicians, this question might even seemout of place.(對(duì)傳統(tǒng)學(xué)者而言,上述問(wèn)題完全是不著邊際。)
  • 3、I feltout of place in my suit and tie.(穿著西裝打著領(lǐng)帶,我感到不自在。)
  • 4、Popular elements do not appearout of place in Glass's classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music.(在格拉斯的古典音樂(lè)中,流行元素并不顯得格格不入,從早期開(kāi)始,古典音樂(lè)就與搖滾音樂(lè)共享某些和聲和節(jié)奏。)
  • 5、She had a lot of makeup on and not a hairout of place.(她濃妝艷抹,衣冠楚楚。)
  • 6、Her remarks wereout of place.(她出言不當(dāng)。)
  • 7、The bookshelf isout of place here.(書(shū)架放這里不協(xié)調(diào)。)
  • 8、I began to feel unmistakablyout of place in that pleasant family circle.(我開(kāi)始感到在這個(gè)愉快的一家人中間,我的確是礙事。)
  • 9、He was farout of place with the boxers, poodles, bird dogs, and other breeds of town dogs.(它和拳師犬、獅子狗、獵鳥(niǎo)犬或其他鎮(zhèn)上的狗格格不入。)
  • 10、Unlike the rest of the people in line, Freeman scans the room looking for anythingout of place.(與其他排隊(duì)的人不同的是,他還在不斷環(huán)顧四周,查看有沒(méi)有什么不妥的地方。)
  • 11、Some of these files seem to beout of place.(有些檔案似乎沒(méi)放對(duì)地方。)
  • 12、Even in her teenage boys' bedrooms, not a thing isout of place.(即使在她孩子的臥室里,都是那么的井井有條。)
  • 13、I would feel a littleout of place I guess.(我猜我多少會(huì)覺(jué)得有點(diǎn)不合適。)
  • 14、Nothing in this peaceful suburb wasout of place, except for its missing tenants.(這個(gè)平靜的郊區(qū)沒(méi)有什么異常的情況,除了那些消失不見(jiàn)的房客。)
  • 15、Perhaps, but he still looks a littleout of place in the magic kingdom.(也許會(huì)是這樣,但在這個(gè)魔幻王國(guó)里他依然顯得有點(diǎn)與眾不同。)
  • 16、Standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as an informal party, but completelyout of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior.(在非正式聚會(huì)等場(chǎng)合,站得離某人很近是很合適的,但在其他場(chǎng)合,比如和上司開(kāi)會(huì),就完全不合適了。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、The furniture, with its modern style and bright colours, suits modern houses and their gardens, but looksout of place in the garden of a traditional home.(這款家具款式時(shí)尚,顏色鮮艷,適合放在現(xiàn)代化的房子和花園里,但是放在傳統(tǒng)住宅的花園里就顯得不倫不類了。)
  • 18、A desk, for example, would beout of place in a bedroom.(作為例子,臥室里就不應(yīng)該安放桌子。)
  • 19、What's interesting is that this is kind ofout of place.(有趣的是,這可以說(shuō)是不合適的。)
  • 20、Does something seem wrong? Is somethingout of place?(有沒(méi)有不對(duì)勁的地方?)
  • 21、It melts quickly in a hot studio and our characters continually fallout of place.(在工作室內(nèi)很快就會(huì)融化,人物一個(gè)個(gè)的從原有的位置上掉下來(lái)。)
  • 22、A few bytesout of place and the whole application goes down in flames.(少數(shù)字節(jié)錯(cuò)位,會(huì)使整個(gè)應(yīng)用程序毀于一旦。)
  • 23、You don't feelout of place as a foreigner in Dubai.(在迪拜,你不會(huì)感到這是國(guó)外。)
  • 24、Among these old people at the Gloriana, Wilhelm feltout of place.(在圣母教堂的這些老人中間,威廉感到很不自在。)
  • 25、In some ways, David was asout of place as I was.(從某些方面講,大衛(wèi)跟我一樣格格不入。)
  • 26、Pushy questions about the blame for the accident and Poland’s future seemout of place.(關(guān)于指責(zé)這起事故和提出有關(guān)波蘭的未來(lái)的問(wèn)題顯得格格不入。)
  • 27、I felt completelyout of place among all these successful people.(夾在這些事業(yè)有成的人中間,我覺(jué)得格格不入。)
  • 28、Appearing at such a formal party for the first time, I feltout of place and wanted to flee.(第一次出現(xiàn)在這樣一個(gè)正式的聚會(huì)上,我感到很不自在,想要逃離。)

out of place基本釋義

out of place

英 [aut ?v pleis] 美 [a?t ?v ples] 
不合適的; 不相稱的; 格格不入的