
get the better of造句

get the better of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:57


get the better of造句

  • 1、She didn't allow her emotions toget the better of her.(她沒有讓情緒打敗自己。)
  • 2、Those of us who need structure can still be highly creative as long as we don't allow our fears toget the better of us.(也就是說,只要不讓我們的害怕蓋過我們自己,那么即使是高結(jié)構(gòu)需求者,依舊能具備創(chuàng)造力。)
  • 3、Your temper mayget the better of you if a colleague has tried to ruin your reputation.(要是有同事想毀壞你的名譽,你可能會發(fā)火的。)
  • 4、Cooperate with my friends, let meget the better of friendship, success, and beautify the bell rang my life.(與我攜手的朋友,讓我的友誼得到更好的美化,成功的到來,敲響了我生命的鐘聲。)
  • 5、You will soonget the better of that fellow.(像他那樣的家伙你是不難勝過他的。)
  • 6、If you work hard, you willget the better of your classmates.(如果你努力學(xué)習(xí),你將會超過你的同學(xué)。)
  • 7、Your emotions mayget the better of you.(情感會控制的很好。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、That deal exposed the kind of faulty logic that allows a money-losing Internet firm toget the better of a profitable media giant.(這場并購傳播了錯誤的邏輯,即讓虧錢的網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司勝過了賺錢的媒體巨頭。)
  • 9、No one canget the better of her in an argument.(辯論起來沒人能辯過她。)
  • 10、When moods and emotionsget the better of you-when they begin to interfere with your career or personal relationships-it's time to make a change.(當(dāng)情緒和情感得到更好的你,當(dāng)他們開始干擾你的職業(yè)或個人關(guān)系的時間來做出改變。)
  • 11、He was taught by his father to never let non-humansget the better of him in life.(他的父親教導(dǎo)他,這輩子千萬不要輸給非人類種族。)
  • 12、I have been pained by her manner this morning, and can'tget the better of it.(她今天早晨的態(tài)度使我感到痛苦,我不能平靜下去。)
  • 13、These verbs mean toget the better of an adversary.(這些動詞都表示戰(zhàn)勝對手的意思。)
  • 14、One of Walter Lini’s minor pleasures was toget the better of the French.(沃爾特·里尼的小小樂趣之一,是蓋過法國人的風(fēng)頭。)
  • 15、Because Mary was the stronger of the two she was beginning toget the better of Colin.(因為瑪麗是這兩個人中更為厲害的一個,她開始勝過科林了。)
  • 16、I knew I could not let the ghostget the better of me.(我知道自己不能讓鬼魂占上風(fēng)。)
  • 17、You might regard Mother Nature in general as your enemy, and envisage human life as a struggle toget the better of Mother Nature.(如果你設(shè)想一下人類正在同大自然搏斗,以求得更好生存時,你可以視大自然為敵人。)
  • 18、And I didn't want my emotions toget the better of me.(我也不想讓自己受到情感的左右。)
  • 19、Don't you never ever let your prejudiceget the better of you.(不要讓自己受到偏見的影響。)
  • 20、To believe the market is always rational is like saying people never let their emotions - greed, fear, whatever -get the better of common sense.(要相信市場一直是理智的,就像人們說自己從來不會讓他們那些貪婪,恐懼等情緒控制而失去基本常識。)
  • 21、Self-deception is likely toget the better of you this week.(自欺欺人只會弄得自己遍體鱗傷。)

get the better of基本釋義

get the better of

英 [ɡet e? ?bet? ?v] 美 [ɡ?t ei ?b?t? ?v] 
克服; 勝過; 打敗