
for the moment造句

for the moment造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:54


for the moment造句

  • 1、I'd like you to go and see your German tutor and say that you are going to stop attending German classesfor the moment.(我想讓你去找你的德語導(dǎo)師,告訴他你現(xiàn)在不上德語課了。)
  • 2、Butfor the moment we will have to.(但目前,我們別無選擇。)
  • 3、Bob looked back only to find an old classmate whose name escaped himfor the moment.(鮑勃往后一看,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)老同學(xué),他的名字鮑勃一時(shí)想不起來了。)
  • 4、Anyway, let's forget about thatfor the moment.(咱們無論如何暫時(shí)不要再提這件事。)
  • 5、Peter was not with themfor the moment, and they felt rather lonely up there by themselves.(彼得眼下沒有和他們在一起,因此他們在那上面感到非常孤獨(dú)。)
  • 6、Stop discussingfor the moment.(暫停討論。)
  • 7、Butfor the moment he kept that to himself.(但目前來說他把那些藏在心里。)
  • 8、I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each CD. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is rightfor the moment.(我想我一開始就沒打算為每張CD設(shè)計(jì)不同的聲音。然而,我確實(shí)能感覺到目前什么是對的。)
  • 9、for the moment, it constitutes their chief danger.(就目前而言,它構(gòu)成了他們的主要危險(xiǎn)。)
  • 10、He was just going to speak when he thought better of it and didn't mention itfor the moment.(他剛想開口說話,但一轉(zhuǎn)念,覺得還是暫時(shí)不提為好。)
  • 11、Relievedfor the moment, Peter set out.(彼得暫時(shí)松了一口氣,就出發(fā)了。)
  • 12、All hope forsook him, now,for the moment, and a dull despair settled down upon his heart.(此時(shí)此刻,所有的希望都離他而去,一種沉重的絕望籠罩著他的心。)
  • 13、Their strategyfor the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.(他們目前的策略是保持低調(diào),讓事態(tài)慢慢平息。)
  • 14、It was an actor whose name escapes mefor the moment.(那是個(gè)我一時(shí)想不起名字的演員。)
  • 15、for the moment, I need to rest.(現(xiàn)在,我需要休息。)
  • 16、for the moment she had forgotten his ignorance about kisses.(她這時(shí)忘記了他對親吻一無所知。)
  • 17、for the moment, a potential crisis appears to have been averted.(至少目前,一個(gè)潛在的危機(jī)好像已被避免了。)
  • 18、Have you ever been in the middle of speaking and suddenly…brain freeze! It is possible that you forgot somethingfor the moment.(你是否有過這樣的經(jīng)歷:說話到一半時(shí),大腦突然凍結(jié)了!你可能一時(shí)忘記了什么。)
  • 19、But forget that issuefor the moment.(但現(xiàn)在先暫時(shí)忘記這件事。)
  • 20、"I am ten," answered Mary, forgetting herselffor the moment, "and so are you."(“我十歲了,”瑪麗回答,一時(shí)不由自主,“你也一樣?!?
  • 21、Students have played an important role in the past, butfor the moment, they're on the margins.(學(xué)生們過去發(fā)揮了重要的作用,但現(xiàn)在,他們不再重要了。)
  • 22、This house is big enoughfor the moment, but we'll have to move if we have children.(這房子現(xiàn)在還夠大。要是有了孩子,我們得搬。)
  • 23、Since I have the floorfor the moment, I want to go back to a previous point.(借此發(fā)言的機(jī)會,我想回到前面的一個(gè)問題。)
  • 24、Mutiny was effectually laid to restfor the moment.(叛亂暫時(shí)有效地平息了。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 25、They are living with their parentsfor the moment because their own house is being built.(他們暫時(shí)和父母住在一起,因?yàn)樗麄冏约旱姆孔诱诮ㄖ小?
  • 26、Don't be afraid to haggle:for the moment, it's a buyer's market.(別怕討價(jià)還價(jià):目前是買方市場。)
  • 27、for the moment Wendy was shocked.(那一刻,溫迪驚呆了。)
  • 28、for the moment, business is booming.(現(xiàn)在,生意繁榮。)
  • 29、It's a complex issue, and I should leave it having said this much, at leastfor the moment.(這是一個(gè)復(fù)雜的問題,我應(yīng)該先說這么多,至少暫時(shí)這樣。)

for the moment基本釋義

for the moment

[f?: e? ?m?um?nt] 
暫時(shí); 目前