but for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:46


but for造句

  • 1、There was dead silencebut for a fly beating against the glass.(若沒有一只蒼蠅在撲打著玻璃,便是一片死寂。)
  • 2、It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropesbut for some reason, they did not.(很明顯,大象在任何時(shí)候都可以掙脫繩索,但出于某種原因,它們沒有這樣做。)
  • 3、There's still another ten minutes of the game to go,but for practical purposes it's already over.(比賽雖然還有十分鐘,但實(shí)際上等于已經(jīng)結(jié)束了。)
  • 4、In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world,but for different reasons.(換句話說,窮人和富人都過度開發(fā)自然世界,但原因不同。)
  • 5、I am but an archangel;but for him I should be pope!(我不過是個(gè)大天使;要不是他,我就當(dāng)教皇了!)
  • 6、I might not have particularly remembered thisbut for a similar thing which happened on another occasion.(要不是同樣的事在別的場(chǎng)合發(fā)生過,我可能不會(huì)特別記住這件事。)
  • 7、but for now, she is in the grip of a blind, unfocused anger.(但是現(xiàn)在,她正被一股盲目的無目標(biāo)的怒氣控制著。)
  • 8、He would have playedbut for a knee injury.(他要不是膝部有傷的話,就上場(chǎng)了。)
  • 9、We wouldn't have been therebut for him.(要不是他,我們就不會(huì)到那里去了。)
  • 10、I was sure she knew the answerbut for some reason she hung back.(我敢保證她知道答案,但不知為什么她不敢說出來。)
  • 11、Mastered by his better self he would have returned reluctantly up the tree,but for one thing.(如果不是因?yàn)樗梢愿玫恼莆兆约?,他?huì)不情愿地回到樹上,但有一件事是肯定的。)
  • 12、Many of the things we now benefit from would not be aroundbut for Thomas Edison.(要不是愛迪生的發(fā)明,今天我們身邊享用的很多東西都將不會(huì)存在。)
  • 13、Students have played an important role in the past,but for the moment, they're on the margins.(學(xué)生們過去發(fā)揮了重要的作用,但現(xiàn)在,他們不再重要了。)
  • 14、The story of comb would not be worthy of mention,but for a closely related word, no one today associates with it.(梳子的故事不值一提,要不是有一個(gè)與它密切相關(guān)的詞,如今沒人會(huì)聯(lián)想到它。)
  • 15、Porosity is important for water-storage capacity,but for water to flow through rocks, the pore spaces must be connected.(孔隙度對(duì)地層儲(chǔ)水能力尤為重要,但要讓水能夠從巖石中流出,孔隙之間必須相互連通。)
  • 16、It turned out she bought the same sweater as I didbut for a much lower price.(結(jié)果她買了和我一樣的毛衣,但價(jià)格要低得多。)
  • 17、The square was emptybut for a couple of cabs.(除了幾輛出租汽車外,廣場(chǎng)上空空如也。)
  • 18、He tried to speak,but for once, his voice had left him.(他試圖說話,但這一次,他已說不出聲。)
  • 19、but for real trees, it's harder to uproot.(但對(duì)于真正的樹木來說,連根拔起就更難了。)
  • 20、Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves,but for the greater good of society.(受害者們希望看到正義得到伸張,這不僅是為了他們自己,也是為了社會(huì)更大的利益。)
  • 21、but for the well-made play, even the exposition had to be logical, believable.(但對(duì)于制作精良的劇本來說,即使是敘述部分也必須合乎邏輯、可信。)
  • 22、The access codes may be another financial headache for students,but for textbook businesses, they're the future.(對(duì)學(xué)生來說,訪問碼可能是另一個(gè)財(cái)務(wù)難題,但對(duì)教科書行業(yè)來說,它們是未來的發(fā)展方向。)
  • 23、but for that, Injun Joe never would have suspected.(要不是那樣,印第安·喬決不會(huì)起疑心。)
  • 24、I'm not afraid for me,but for the baby.(我擔(dān)心的不是自己,而是嬰兒。)
  • 25、Said she, "but for flesh and blood."(她說:“而是為了血和肉。”)
  • 26、but for teachers, deciding how to teach specialist English is not always so easy.(但對(duì)于教師來說,決定如何教授專業(yè)英語并不總是那么容易。)
  • 27、but for Frank's Bike Shop, a small business on Grand St., the bike-share program has been bad news.(但對(duì)于弗蘭克在格蘭德街開的這家小型自行車店來說,自行車共享計(jì)劃是個(gè)壞消息。)
  • 28、It was crucial that our daughter was part of that experience, not just for her,but for Linda and me as well.(讓我們的女兒成為那段經(jīng)歷的一部分是至關(guān)重要的,不僅對(duì)她,對(duì)琳達(dá)和我也是如此。)
  • 29、I'm skipping dinner,but for a midnight snack, I'm having a milk shake.(我不吃晚飯了,但是夜宵的話我想喝點(diǎn)奶昔。)
  • 30、but for most, this is just not possible.(但對(duì)大多數(shù)人來說,這是不可能的。) hAo86.com

but for基本釋義

but for

英 [b?t f?:] 美 [b?t f?r] 
