
come to a halt造句

come to a halt造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:19


come to a halt造句

  • 1、Please remain seated until the aircraft hascome to a halt.(飛機停好以前,請坐著別動。)
  • 2、Recently, though, freedom's progress may havecome to a halt, or even gone into reverse.(然而,最近以來,自由的進步可能停滯不前,甚至出現(xiàn)了倒退。)
  • 3、The train hadcome to a halt at its destination.(列車已經(jīng)停在終點站了。)
  • 4、Once an interface is loaded, why should the user interactioncome to a halt every time the application needs something from the server?(界面一旦加載完成,為什么還要因為程序需要從服務(wù)器傳輸一些東西而中斷用戶的交互?)
  • 5、Secretary Paulson says this market has basicallycome to a halt.(保爾森財長表示,這一市場基本上已處于停頓狀態(tài);)
  • 6、He could throw a wrench into the gears, also known as the factory's "works," and the gears wouldcome to a halt.(他可以將扳手扔進齒輪中,也就是工廠的機器,齒輪就會停下來。)
  • 7、But no one has yet come up with a way to halt this military-industrial juggernaut.(但到現(xiàn)在為止,沒有人能夠想出一個辦法讓軍事工業(yè)的“戰(zhàn)車”暫停下來。)
  • 8、This improvement has now come to a juddering halt.(這種改善現(xiàn)在急速停止。)
  • 9、Whenever something is moving, it willcome to a halt.(無論什么時候在移動,物體最終都會停下來。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 10、And by the time they'dcome to a halt, it was too late for me to avoid them.(當他們停住時,對我來說已經(jīng)來不及避開了。)
  • 11、I will start when Icome to a halt here.(當我停在這里,那就開始。)
  • 12、Let's now make sure that this crazy object hascome to a halt.(現(xiàn)在讓我們確定一下,這個瘋狂的陀螺停下來了。)
  • 13、When we arrive at unison with this soul, we are comforted and assured. We havecome to a halt in the face of something unfathomable, and the unfathomable becomes visible in a result all of a sudden.(當我們到逹與這個靈魂的和諧一致時,我們被安慰和被承諾。我們來到一個終止,面對著一些深不可測的東西。而那深不可測的東西在結(jié)果中突然間變得可見。)
  • 14、At the same time it seems almost congealed onto the flat plane of everyday life, every thing has suddenlycome to a halt, and is floating in space.(時間仿佛凝固在一個日常生活的平面上,一切都突然靜止,漂浮在空氣中。)
  • 15、Proposing to stop it from the start, may cause the mainstream trend of drugs tocome to a halt.(從一開始就計劃阻止它,可能會導(dǎo)致藥物的主流趨勢停止前進。)
  • 16、Bankruptcies of this scale are never simple, and this particular one saw work on the oil sands project that OPTI was developingcome to a halt due to lack of funds.(如此規(guī)模的破產(chǎn)從來都不是容易的事,而這家企業(yè)正是因為缺乏資金而停掉了油砂項目。)
  • 17、Production hascome to a halt this month.(由于缺少工人,這個月生產(chǎn)已陷入停頓。)
  • 18、The carcome to a halt.(汽車停了下來。)
  • 19、There is plenty of ice on Mars, but the chemical reactions for lifecome to a halt when water freezes.(在火星上有大量的冰塊,但是當水結(jié)冰時,形成生命的化學(xué)反應(yīng)就會停止。)
  • 20、Today, Mumbai willcome to a halt as it marks the anniversary with a day of prayer and commemoration for those who died.(今天,孟買將停下它的腳步,在恐怖事件一周年這一整天里為那些死去的人祈禱,并紀念他們。)
  • 21、A car will come to a grinding halt if you put water in the gas tank.(如果你往油箱里加水,汽車會突然停下。)
  • 22、When these hard limits are reached, the entire queue manager and all connected applicationscome to a halt.(當達到這些硬限制時,整個隊列管理器和所有已連接的應(yīng)用程序都將停頓下來。)
  • 23、Do not think of high-level floor, a good 9-11, you big mistake, and these floors is precisely Jan gray layer of dirty air to the height willcome to a halt, we will not tell you.(別以為高層中的九到十一樓不錯,那你大錯了,這些樓層正好是揚灰層,臟空氣到這個高度就會停頓,我們是不會告訴你們的。)
  • 24、It has to make 20 rotations now, — 20 rotations in 30 seconds — ten back to equilibrium and then ten tocome to a halt.(現(xiàn)在要20轉(zhuǎn)了,30s內(nèi)20轉(zhuǎn)-,10s回到平衡,10s停下。)

come to a halt基本釋義

come to a halt

英 [k?m tu: ? h?:lt] 美 [k?m tu e h?lt] 
停頓; 停??; 停止
