at heart造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:08


at heart造句

  • 1、at heart, she was a people person.(愛波倫絲太太是一個(gè)“peopleperson”。也就是說,她是一個(gè)能理解人的人。)
  • 2、His manners are rough, but he is a kind manat heart.(他雖然舉止粗魯,但心地善良。)
  • 3、He always has the well-being of the massesat heart.(他總是把群眾的疾苦掛在心上。)
  • 4、All of us, even postmodern philosophers, are naive realistsat heart.(人都是天真的現(xiàn)實(shí)主義者,即便是后現(xiàn)代哲學(xué)家,也不無例外。)
  • 5、I'm a fishermanat heart, so it's great to be on the boat again.(我內(nèi)心就是一名漁民。因此能再上船對(duì)我是件好事。)
  • 6、He remained,at heart, a courtier and a cynic.(在心底里,他其實(shí)仍然是一名侍臣,同時(shí)也玩世不恭。)
  • 7、You are really a childat heart.(心里面有個(gè)孩子就是指這個(gè)人“童心未泯”!)
  • 8、The door had been opened when he had been in uneasyat heart.(懷著不安的心情,好不容易等到門打開。)
  • 9、She told him she only had his interestsat heart.(她告訴他,她心里頭只有他的利益。)
  • 10、God knows what is best for you and has your best interestsat heart.(神為你著想,并且知道什么對(duì)你是最好的。)
  • 11、He's still a socialistat heart.(他本質(zhì)上還是個(gè)社會(huì)主義者。)
  • 12、eg: Her modesty is put on;at heart she is very vain.(她的謙遜全是假裝的,內(nèi)心里她是很自負(fù)的。)
  • 13、Apple isat heart a design company.(蘋果從本質(zhì)上是個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)公司。)
  • 14、We depend on them to do it well and with our best interestsat heart.(我們需要信任他們能把這做好,并把我們的最終利益放在心上。)
  • 15、For all their realism, these dramas remain,at heart, fiction.(對(duì)于現(xiàn)實(shí)來說,這些電視劇仍然是小說。)
  • 16、The young in particular are willing to accept this concept becauseat heart every child wants to grow into a happy, healthy contributing adult.(年輕人尤其愿意接受這一觀念,因?yàn)樵趦?nèi)心深處,每個(gè)孩子都想成長(zhǎng)為一個(gè)快樂、健康、有貢獻(xiàn)的成年人。)
  • 17、Having others’ bestinterestsat heart when setting goals.(在制定目標(biāo)時(shí),考慮他人核心利益。)
  • 18、Though nearly 90, grandpa is still youngat heart.(爺爺年近90了,但他心態(tài)依然很年輕。)
  • 19、All men are poetsat heart.(所有的人在內(nèi)心深處都是詩(shī)人。)
  • 20、He was a very gentle boyat heart.(他實(shí)際上是一個(gè)非常溫和的男孩。)
  • 21、He was a romanticat heart and longed for adventure.(他骨子里是一位浪漫的人,渴望歷險(xiǎn)。)
  • 22、Gonzo is a techno-geekat heart.(Gonzo在內(nèi)心里是一位技術(shù)狂人。)
  • 23、After finishing your mail tonight, I felt heavyat heart.(今晚看完你的郵件,我的心非常沉重。)
  • 24、Doing a man's work, though a childat heart.(雖說有孩子的心,但干的大人的活。)
  • 25、Indeed he has a solemn face, but he is very humorousat heart.(他的確有一副嚴(yán)肅的臉孔,但內(nèi)心卻是很富幽默感。)
  • 26、Frank has my best interestsat heart.(弗蘭克在心里盤算著怎樣給我賺最多的利潤(rùn)。)

at heart基本釋義

at heart

英 [?t hɑ:t] 美 [?t hɑrt] 
本質(zhì)上; 實(shí)際上; 在內(nèi)心