
at first sight造句

at first sight造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:08


at first sight造句

  • 1、at first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.(第一眼看上去它不像一座首都城市倒更像一個采礦工地。)
  • 2、at first sight, this summit seems no different.(乍看起來,這次峰會沒什么不同。)
  • 3、I was in loveat first sight.(我是一見鐘情。)
  • 4、at first sight, this uncertainty is baffling.(乍一看,這種不確定性讓人很困惑。)
  • 5、Do you believe in loveat first sight?(你相信有一見鐘情這種事嗎?)
  • 6、Loveat first sight.(一見傾心。)
  • 7、at first sight, she has the right credentials for this job.(初的一看,她具備擔(dān)任此項工作的資格。)
  • 8、Now is there really loveat first sight?(當(dāng)今世界上真的存在一見鐘情嗎?)
  • 9、Stereotypes make people form a wrong opinion about othersat first sight.(刻板印象使人們對別人在第一眼形成錯誤的看法。)
  • 10、at first sight, the plain did not appear to be a likely home for a civilization.(乍一看,這片平原似乎不像是一個文明的家園。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 11、I know it sounds corny, but it really was loveat first sight!(我知道這聽起來像陳詞濫調(diào),然而的確是一見鐘情啊!)
  • 12、at first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.(乍一看,對方給出的條件好像很優(yōu)厚,但任何時候都不要小看那些小號字印刷的附加條款。)
  • 13、at first sight, it seems a silly question.(乍一看,這是一個愚蠢的問題。)
  • 14、at first sight, the house on Sullivan's Island looks anything but hurricane-proof.(乍一看,蘇利文島上的房子一點也不能防颶風(fēng)。)
  • 15、When we finally met in person, it was loveat first sight!(當(dāng)我們最終碰面時,那就是一見鐘情。)
  • 16、at first sight it looks like a typical XSLT style sheet.(乍一看,它有點象典型的xslt樣式表。)
  • 17、Leaving the main stream, they now passed into what seemedat first sight like a little land-locked lake.(離開了主河道,他們進入了一個乍一看像是一個內(nèi)陸湖的地方。)
  • 18、A man's neediness stems from falling in loveat first sight.(男人的需求源于一見鐘情。)
  • 19、at first sight this seems bonkers.(乍一看這有點瘋狂。)
  • 20、Is there such a thing as loveat first sight?(而像一見鐘情這樣的事情存在嗎?)
  • 21、The theory is not as simple as you might thinkat first sight.(這個理論并不像你乍看時想到的那么簡單。)
  • 22、It was certainly not loveat first sight.(這肯定不是一見鐘情。)
  • 23、Is there really loveat first sight?(這個世界上真的存在一見鐘情嗎?)
  • 24、at first sight, the idea seems barmy.(乍一看,這似乎是個餿主意。)
  • 25、at first sight it looked like a typical suburban road accident.(乍一看,這像是一起典型的郊區(qū)交通事故。)
  • 26、at first sight the case seems compelling.(乍一看,情況看起來很令人信服。)
  • 27、Tom met Mary at a party, and they fell in loveat first sight.(湯姆在一次聚會上遇到瑪麗,兩人一見鐘情。)
  • 28、Jeremy says: 'It was loveat first sight.(Jeremy說:第一眼見到就愛上了。)

at first sight基本釋義

at first sight

英 [?t f?:st sait] 美 [?t f?st sa?t] 
