at large造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:07


at large造句

  • 1、The mink, by contrast, will remainat large for years, perhaps millennia.(相反的,貂也能自由過上數(shù)年,或許千年的太平生活。)
  • 2、The process is so embedded in our brains that our sense of smell is critical to our enjoyment of lifeat large.(這個過程是如此深入人心,以至于我們的嗅覺對于我們享受生活顯得至關(guān)重要。)
  • 3、Boysat large like games.(男孩一般說來喜歡游戲。)
  • 4、An 11th man charged in federal court in New York remainsat large.(而受到紐約聯(lián)邦法庭起訴的第11人依然在逃。)
  • 5、He liked his jobat large and worked hard.(他大體上還喜歡他的工作,工作很努力。)
  • 6、"The suspects are stillat large," Turner said.(特納說,“嫌疑犯仍逍遙法外?!?
  • 7、at large, girls are good at language.(一般來說,女孩子善于學(xué)語言。)
  • 8、Six prisoners are stillat large along with four dangerous recidivists.(六名犯人與四名危險慣犯一起仍潛逃在外。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 9、That could be good news for the worldat large.(這對全球市場來說會是個好兆頭。)
  • 10、Civility is attending to the communityat large in our everyday interactions.(文明是對我們每天互作的社團的關(guān)注。)
  • 11、The man who tried to have her killed is stillat large.(企圖謀殺她的那個男人仍然逍遙法外。)
  • 12、Her killer is stillat large.(殺害她的兇手仍然逍遙法外。)
  • 13、If you expose your VNC service on the Netat large, intruders will probe it.(如果您在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上公開的VNC服務(wù)太多,攻擊者將進行探測。)
  • 14、at large: Ayman al Zawahiri, deputy.(在逃:艾曼·扎瓦赫里,副手。)
  • 15、As a composer he proved himself adeptat large dramatic forms.(作為一名作曲家,他顯示出自己擅長創(chuàng)作大型的戲劇體裁。)
  • 16、Whichever is the case, there are surely some valuable lessons which the worldat large can learn from the story of Rapa Nui.(不管怎樣,拉帕努伊的故事中總有一些寶貴的經(jīng)驗值得全世界學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 17、They say that two other elephants remainat large on the outskirts of Mysore.(他們還表示,目前仍有另外兩只大象在邁索爾郊外未被捕獲。)
  • 18、The key is to understand that they aren't symptomatic of societyat large.(關(guān)鍵是了解他們不是這個社會的普遍癥狀。)
  • 19、Studentsat large felt that the discipline was too strict.(學(xué)生們普遍認(rèn)為紀(jì)律太嚴(yán)格了。)
  • 20、This in turn will spur job creation in the economyat large.(這將反過來推動整個經(jīng)濟中就業(yè)機會的增加。)
  • 21、Let's hope that he remains healthy, free andat large for a long time!(讓我們希望他長期保持健康、自由的生活。)
  • 22、There are tests every monthat large centres.(在主要的考試中心,每個月都會有考試。)
  • 23、The Tunisian military has sent reinforcements and helicopters to the area, and authorities have been hunting several attackers who were stillat large.(突尼斯軍方已經(jīng)向該地區(qū)派遣了增援部隊和直升機,當(dāng)局正在追捕幾名仍逍遙法外的襲擊者。)
  • 24、Food prices pose a serious challenge to societyat large.(全社會面臨這食品價格的嚴(yán)峻挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 25、The peopleat large want peace.(總的來說人民是渴望和平的。)
  • 26、I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the communityat large remain extremely remote.(我認(rèn)為,讓該團體的大部分人都接受改革的希望仍然極其渺茫。)
  • 27、Truck driversat large don't like the new speed restriction on the highway.(大多數(shù)卡車司機不喜歡高速公路上新的限速規(guī)定。)

at large基本釋義

at large

英 [?t lɑ:d?] 美 [?t lɑrd?] 