
more and more造句

more and more造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:09


more and more造句

  • 1、Each day that passed he grewmore and more desperate.(他一天天變得越來(lái)越絕望。)
  • 2、more and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves.(愈來(lái)愈多的電視臺(tái)和廣播電臺(tái)使無(wú)線電波段愈來(lái)愈擁擠。)
  • 3、more and more restaurants are providing nonsmoking areas.(越來(lái)越多的餐館正在提供無(wú)煙區(qū)。)
  • 4、I was becomingmore and more irritated by his behaviour.(我對(duì)他的行為越來(lái)越感到惱火。)
  • 5、more and more people are surviving heart attacks.(越來(lái)越多的人在心臟病發(fā)作后存活下來(lái)。)
  • 6、more and more criminals will agree to plea-bargain.(越來(lái)越多的罪犯會(huì)同意接受庭外和解。)
  • 7、Graduates are finding itmore and more difficult to find employment.(畢業(yè)生感到找工作越來(lái)越難。)
  • 8、more and more younger females join us.(越來(lái)越多的年輕女性加入我們。)
  • 9、We makemore and more rubbish every day.(我們每天制造越來(lái)越多的垃圾。)
  • 10、He's becomingmore and more obsessive about punctuality.(他對(duì)守時(shí)要求越來(lái)越過(guò)分了。)
  • 11、more and more restaurants agreed to join.(越來(lái)越多的餐館同意加入。)
  • 12、more and more people are using the Internet.(越來(lái)越多人在使用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)。)
  • 13、more and more victims turn to litigation to redress wrongs done to them.(越來(lái)越多的受害者訴諸法律以獲得平反。)
  • 14、As time went on he grewmore and more impatient.(時(shí)間長(zhǎng)了,他越來(lái)越?jīng)]有耐心。)
  • 15、As the evening wore on, she becamemore and more nervous.(隨著夜色漸深,她越來(lái)越緊張。)
  • 16、Learning becomesmore and more difficult as we get older.(當(dāng)我們年紀(jì)越大,學(xué)習(xí)就變得越來(lái)越困難。)
  • 17、more and more young men are widowed by cancer.(越來(lái)越多的男青年被癌癥奪去妻子。)
  • 18、Likemore and more women, she believes wedlock would cramp her style.(和越來(lái)越多的女性一樣,她認(rèn)為婚姻會(huì)束縛她的行為方式。)
  • 19、As the great day approached, she grewmore and more nervous.(隨著這重大日子的臨近她心情越來(lái)越緊張。)
  • 20、His behaviour towards her was becomingmore and more aggressive.(他對(duì)待她的態(tài)度越來(lái)越蠻橫。)
  • 21、Stores spendmore and more on crime prevention every year.(商店每年在防止犯罪方面的花費(fèi)越來(lái)越多。)
  • 22、The atmosphere in the meeting was gettingmore and more tense.(會(huì)議的氣氛越來(lái)越緊張。)
  • 23、She becamemore and more talkative as the evening went on.(夜?jié)u深,她的話越來(lái)越多。)
  • 24、She was gettingmore and more irritated at his comments.(她對(duì)他的評(píng)論越來(lái)越感到惱火。)
  • 25、As Christmas neared, the children becamemore and more excited.(快過(guò)圣誕節(jié)了,孩子們?cè)絹?lái)越興奮。)
  • 26、She spendsmore and more time alone in her room.(她一個(gè)人待在屋里的時(shí)間越來(lái)越多。)
  • 27、Her life was headingmore and more where she wanted it to go.(她的生活正越來(lái)越朝著她想要的方向發(fā)展。) Hao86.com
  • 28、It was becomingmore and more difficult to live on his salary.(他越來(lái)越難以靠他的工資維持生計(jì)了。)
  • 29、The world is more literate than ever before—there aremore and more readers, andmore and more books.(這個(gè)世界比以往任何時(shí)候都更具文化素養(yǎng),這里有越來(lái)越多的讀者和書籍。)

more and more基本釋義

more and more

英 [m?: ?nd m?:] 美 [m?r ?nd m?r] 

越來(lái)越; 日益; 越來(lái)越 ...