
more or less造句

more or less造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:09


more or less造句

  • 1、She started off by accusing him of blackmail but hemore or less ignored her.(她以指控他敲詐勒索開始,但他基本上沒理會她。)
  • 2、In recent years, there is a growing tendency for people to shop online, and most peoplemore or less have the experience of shopping online.(近年來,網(wǎng)購有增長趨勢,大多數(shù)人或多或少都有過網(wǎng)上購物的經(jīng)歷。)
  • 3、Everybody feltmore or less thirsty.(大家都感到有些渴。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、The conference ismore or less over.(會議大致結(jié)束了。)
  • 5、They go to Buckingham Palace to receive medals from the Queen and, by now,more or less accept it as their due.(他們?nèi)グ捉饾h宮接受了女王的勛章,并且直到現(xiàn)在,或多或少地還是把它作為自己應(yīng)得的來接受。)
  • 6、Which is nothingmore or less than excellent service, if you have the money.(如果你有錢的話,這種服務(wù)絕對是一流的。)
  • 7、With a lessonmore or less, we are always the same donkeys.(不管多上一課還是少上一課,我們最后都是頭笨驢。)
  • 8、The author can report other people's results whichmore or less agree with hers.(作者可以報道與自己的觀點或多或少一致的別人的成果。)
  • 9、Depending on the angle it tilts at, the seasons can bemore or less severe.(根據(jù)它(指地軸)傾斜角度的不同,季節(jié)的嚴酷程度也不同。)
  • 10、Instead, they aremore or less randomly scattered over Venus's surface.(相反,它們或多或少是隨機分布在金星表面的。)
  • 11、By this time I'm late, and one hourmore or less makes very little difference.(到現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)遲到了,早一個小時或晚一個小時也沒什么區(qū)別。)
  • 12、I know we have to go southeast,more or less.(我知道我們大概得往東南方向走。)
  • 13、How much will it cost,more or less ?(這個大概得花多少錢?)
  • 14、I'vemore or less finished the book.(我差不多已經(jīng)讀完這本書了。)
  • 15、There's beenmore or less inspired by Lacrimosa but they have been going their own ways.(他們或多或少有受到“以淚洗面”樂隊的影響,不過他們有他們自己的路。)
  • 16、But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney wasmore or less the genuine article.(但是,撇開他與聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局的關(guān)系,迪士尼或多或少也是真正的名人。)
  • 17、Hemore or less railroaded the rest of Europe into recognizing the new "independent" states.(他或多或少地強迫了歐洲其他國家承認這些新“獨立”的國家。)
  • 18、In 1985, after the National Literacy Crusade had ended, the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate and for those educated in primary school remainedmore or less unchanged.(1985年,在全國掃盲運動結(jié)束后,那些仍處于文盲狀態(tài)的婦女和接受過小學(xué)教育的婦女生出來的的嬰兒的死亡率基本沒有變化。)
  • 19、The body feels hot and the temperature remainsmore or less constant at the new elevated level.(身體感到熱,可體溫保持在升高后的新高度上差不多穩(wěn)定不變。)
  • 20、He reasoned that iron took onmore or less oxygen in response to conditions in the kimberlitic magma itself—mainly in response to heat and the available oxygen.(他推斷,鐵吸收或多或少的氧氣是由于金伯利巖漿本身的條件——主要是由于熱量和可用的氧氣。)
  • 21、The polluted watermore or less influences their health.(受污染的水或多或少地影響著他們的健康。)
  • 22、She could earn $200 a night,more or less.(她一晚上大約能掙200元。)
  • 23、Thus our bodies continuously exchange old substance for new, just like a spring whichmore or less maintains its form and movement, but in which the water molecules are always different.(因此,我們的身體不斷地把舊物質(zhì)替換成新的,就像一個噴泉,或多或少地保持著它的形式和運動,但其中的水分子總是不同的。)
  • 24、However, it should be kept in mind that many societies that knew of agriculturemore or less consciously avoided it.(然而應(yīng)該記住的是,許多對農(nóng)業(yè)有所了解的社會都或多或少有意識地避免了它。)
  • 25、They think its population grew rapidly and then remainedmore or less stable until the arrival of the Europeans, who introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had no immunity.(他們認為島上的人口增長迅速,然后保持或多或少的穩(wěn)定速度來增長,直到歐洲人的到來引進了島上居民對其沒有免疫力的致命疾病。)
  • 26、So I think we'remore or less clear on what the show will be like.(所以我認為我們或多或少都很清楚這場演出將會是什么樣子。)
  • 27、Simultaneous interpreting, putting someone's words into another languagemore or less as they speak, sounds to me like the more difficult.(同聲傳譯在我看來是比較困難的,它需要把說話者的語言或多或少地翻譯成另一種語言。)
  • 28、They have got the walls to where they were before Katrina,more or less.(他們或多或少地把墻恢復(fù)到了卡特里娜颶風(fēng)前的水平。)
  • 29、However, genetic learning depends upon a prediction that the future willmore or less resemble the past.(然而,基因?qū)W習(xí)基于一種預(yù)測,即未來或多或少會與過去相似。)
  • 30、We decided,more or less on a whim, to sail to Morocco.(我們多少有些心血來潮地決定乘船去摩洛哥。)

more or less基本釋義

more or less

英 [m?: ?: les] 美 [m?r ?r l?s] 

多多少少; 差不多, 幾乎; 大約; 多少不等