go after造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:26


go after造句

  • 1、Apple has already started togo after these overseas markets.(蘋果已經(jīng)開始對上述海外市場展開攻勢。)
  • 2、He does not want togo after the oil companies.(他不想向石油公司討回公道。)
  • 3、Warner itself may decide togo after EMI.(華納本身可能會決定在百代公司之后進行拍賣。)
  • 4、But May, where do peoplego after they die?(但是阿美,人們死后去了哪里呢?)
  • 5、We rarely see someonego after the health area.(我們很少看到有人追求健康領(lǐng)域。)
  • 6、Alice said to Gina, "Why don't yougo after him, he's your son."(艾麗斯對吉娜說:“你為什么不追他,他是你兒子?!?
  • 7、I have togo after Steve Mercer, she thought for probably the billionth time.(我一定要去找史蒂夫·默瑟,這大概是她第十億次這樣想了。)
  • 8、Yougo after them with the law, they just use it against you.(你用法律來對付他們,他們就用法律來對付你。)
  • 9、They won't evengo after the FBI agent trying to nail them.(他們甚至不會去跟隨想收攏他們的FBI。)
  • 10、Where could itgo after such a spectacular crime?(一場華麗的犯罪之后能怎么樣呢?)
  • 11、go after THE NORTHERN HIVE COMPLEX.(去北方蜂房復(fù)雜。)
  • 12、go after your dreams and do so boldly.(追求你的夢想,大膽去做。)
  • 13、And nobody else wouldgo after it, because it's too small.(沒有人愿意去做是因為市場太小了。)
  • 14、Do Igo after people?(我抓人?)
  • 15、"She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this and thengo after it." says engineer Casey Machado.(“她有很強的工程意識,能夠解決這樣的問題,然后繼續(xù)努力?!惫こ處焺P西·馬查多說。)
  • 16、go after them quickly. You may catch up with them.(你們快快地去追趕,就必追上。)
  • 17、Man: Where did yougo after Zurich?(男:去了蘇黎世之后你們又去了哪?)
  • 18、But he had made his mind togo after her.(但他已經(jīng)決定要追求她。)
  • 19、Doubt is an enemy.go after it.(懷疑是敵人,追趕它,消滅它。)
  • 20、Can't yougo after class?(你不能下課后才去嗎?)
  • 21、You cango after your dreams if you choose to.(只要你想,你就可以追尋你的夢想。)
  • 22、Why do theygo after Mumbai?(他們?yōu)楹我⑸厦腺I?) hao86.com
  • 23、You can have what you want, if you will onlygo after it.(你能擁有你所想要的,只要你去追求它。)
  • 24、Hillary wanted togo after Perot.(希拉里想抨擊佩羅。)
  • 25、I am sorry to disappoint you, but I cannotgo after all.(很抱歉使你失望,但我還是不能去。)
  • 26、Some women let themselvesgo after they get married.(一些女性在婚后會放任自己。)
  • 27、Then both Hampton and Jackgo after the assailant.(其后,漢普頓和杰克一起向開槍射擊者追了過去。)
  • 28、Are they just players who kick the ball out andgo after it?(難道只是些把球踢出去然后去追的球員嗎?)

go after基本釋義

go after

英 [ɡ?u ?ɑ:ft?] 美 [ɡo ??ft?] 
追逐; 追求