
fall in with造句

fall in with造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:25


fall in with造句

  • 1、I have decided tofall in with your plan.(我決定接受你們的計劃。)
  • 2、Such powers do not alwaysfall in with the West's designs.(這些力量并不總是在西方的計劃下。) Hao86.com
  • 3、She'd fall in love with the vet who looks like Sam Shepard.(她將與一個看起來像山姆。謝帕德的獸醫(yī)相愛。)
  • 4、Now, however, was not the moment to cast doubt on Hermione's theory, not when she was so surprisingly willing tofall in with Harry's dearest wish.(但現(xiàn)在不是懷疑赫敏推理的時候,她正出乎意料地贊同哈利最熱切的愿望。)
  • 5、You wouldfall in with some grand guard of the line or the suburbs; they will spy a man passing in blouse and cap. 'Whence come you?' 'Don't.(我們會遇到郊區(qū)的或正規(guī)的自衛(wèi)軍,他們見到穿工人服戴便帽的人就會問:你們從哪兒來?)
  • 6、How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?(她怎么這么傻,竟愛上了他?)
  • 7、There is no one answer to get people buying music from a legal site - so this service willfall in with the rest trying to deter people from piracy.(現(xiàn)在還沒有找到一個辦法讓人們從合法網(wǎng)站上購買音樂——所以提供這項服務(wù)的公司將會贊同他人努力阻止盜版行為。)
  • 8、A learn, hungry Wolf chanced one moonshiny night tofall in with a plump, well-fed house dog.(一只饑餓的狼,餓得?骨嶙峋的,在一個月光皎潔的夜晚,偶然遇見了一只肥肥壯壯、喂養(yǎng)得很好的看家狗。)
  • 9、In dealing with a challenge on such a scale it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall" and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity".(在應(yīng)對如此規(guī)模的挑戰(zhàn)時,可以毫不夸張地說,“團結(jié)則存,分裂則亡”,而如果我必須選擇一個口號,那就是“多元一體”。)
  • 10、I had tofall in with her wishes as much as possible.(我不得不盡量順從她的意愿。)
  • 11、He had the good luck tofall in with neighbors Sean and Chris Penn, Emilio Estevez and brother Charlie Sheen as they (mostly) steadied their lives by ardently learning the actors' craft and trade.(他很幸運地偶遇了鄰居辛恩,克里斯·潘,埃米利奧·埃斯特烏茲,以及查理·辛兄弟。他們(大部分)通過積極熱情地學(xué)習(xí)演技來維持生活的穩(wěn)定。)
  • 12、Ifall in with you on this point.(在這一點上我和你不謀而合。)
  • 13、Many foreign tourists fall in love with China the first time they pay a visit to this great country.(很多外國游客在第一次訪問中國這個偉大國家時,就愛上了她。)
  • 14、This colour doesn't seem tofall in with my age.(這種顏色似乎和我的年齡不相稱。)
  • 15、He won't listen to any suggestion that doesn'tfall in with his scheme.(他不愿聽取與他的計劃不一致的任何意見。)
  • 16、Your words didn'tfall in with the truth.(你的話與事實不一致。)
  • 17、Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him.(雖然緩慢,但她確實開始愛上他了。)
  • 18、Rather than offer evidence for categorizing brains as "male" or "female", research shows that brains fall into a wide range, with most people falling right in the middle.(研究并沒有提供將大腦劃分為“男性”或“女性”的證據(jù),而是表明大腦的劃分范圍很廣,大多數(shù)人都剛好位于中間。)
  • 19、These results fall in line with historical findings.(這些結(jié)果和以前得出的結(jié)果一致。)
  • 20、As she pulls the shoes out, the box with the sandwiches in it breaks open and the ham, the cheese, and the bread slices fall into the sand.(當(dāng)她把鞋子拿出來的時候,裝著三明治的盒子打開了,火腿、奶酪和面包片都掉在了沙子里。)
  • 21、No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be awarded beginning with students entering in fall 2008.(目前的獎學(xué)金獲得者不會失去他們的獎學(xué)金,但從2008年秋季開始,只會對學(xué)生發(fā)放助學(xué)金。)
  • 22、I don'tfall in with the majority.(但我不屬于這個大多數(shù)。)
  • 23、To my mind, it's better tofall in with the arrangements than to kick against them.(在我看來,最好是同意這些安排,不要去反對了。)
  • 24、He doesn'tfall in with such Suggestions.(他不同意這類建議。)
  • 25、This approach has led over time to a fall in smoking with numbers having roughly halved since the 1970s.(隨著時間的推移,這種方法已經(jīng)使吸煙人數(shù)有所下降:自上世紀70年代以來,吸煙人數(shù)幾乎減少了一半。)
  • 26、After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regulate behaviour in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France.(羅馬帝國滅亡后,在歐洲,第一個按照復(fù)雜的禮節(jié)規(guī)范私人生活行為的社會,是12世紀法國的普羅旺斯。)
  • 27、Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.(頓挫抑揚是形容朗讀時聲音的高低曲折和和諧的的節(jié)奏。)

fall in with基本釋義

fall in with

英 [f?:l in wie] 美 [f?l ?n w?e] 
贊成; 碰見; 和 ... 一致; 與 ... 交往