act for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:23


act for造句

  • 1、My parents did this magicact for five years.(我父母表演這套把戲長(zhǎng)達(dá)五年之久。)
  • 2、And that means corporate directors and executives are starting to worry about being sued under the Sarbanes-Oxleyact for bungling the job.(這意味這企業(yè)董事和執(zhí)行官們開始擔(dān)心在薩班斯—奧克·斯里法案下由于工作不力而遭受起訴。)
  • 3、For us ordinary people, we are our own agent; weact for ourselves.(對(duì)我們普通老百姓,我們是自己的代理人;我們?yōu)樽约焊苫睢?
  • 4、He could be fined, or worse. He could also be charged under the Official Secretsact for publishing interviews with Darshan Singh, the now-retired hangman in the book's title.(他有可能面臨罰款或更糟的情形,還可能會(huì)因出版對(duì)達(dá)山星——即書標(biāo)題中所提及退休劊子手——的采訪,被控觸犯《官方保密法》。)
  • 5、"Everyact for which he was prosecuted was undertaken for the purpose of protecting Enron and promoting its share value," his lawyers point out.(他的律師指出,“他被起訴的每一項(xiàng)罪名都是為保護(hù)安然公司,提升其股票價(jià)值而造成的?!?
  • 6、And people always tell me that I should believe animals are rational because theyact for reasons.(人們總是告訴我要相信,動(dòng)物很理性,因?yàn)樗鼈兊男袆?dòng)也有原因。)
  • 7、It is rather an absolute and finalact for which there is no remedy on earth or in heaven.(這是一種絕對(duì)的、最終的行為,不管在人間和天堂都沒(méi)有補(bǔ)救辦法。)
  • 8、I have authorized him toact for me while I am away.(我已授權(quán)他在我外出時(shí)代理我的職務(wù)。)
  • 9、Programming is hard indeed, but not at all as difficult as life of a crook or joker who pretend, lie andact for living.(編程的確很難,但比起那些需要偽裝、欺騙和表演來(lái)生活的惡棍或者小丑來(lái)說(shuō),真的一點(diǎn)也不難。)
  • 10、Humans are rational because theyact for reasons.(人類理性是因?yàn)樗麄冃袆?dòng)是有理由的。)
  • 11、There is, I think, much truth in Patricia's observation that "lecturing is an unnatural act, anact for which God did not design humans".(帕特里夏說(shuō)“講課是一種非自然的行為,這種行為不是上帝設(shè)計(jì)給人類的”,我認(rèn)為她的觀察很有道理。)
  • 12、Before the night of his show Mr Lambert agreed to tone down hisact for the Putra Bukit Jalil stadium, tailoring it to suit local sensibilities and perhaps even widening his appeal.(在演唱會(huì)的前夜,蘭伯特先生緩和了他在武吉加里爾體育館的行為,做出修訂以使其適應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)氐那楦?,甚至有可能擴(kuò)大其影響力。)
  • 13、The governing of a distress call is actually an extremely delicate high-wireact for any young organism from an evolutionary point of view.(事實(shí)上,發(fā)出求救信號(hào),是極其危險(xiǎn)的行為,從進(jìn)化的角度看,對(duì)任何一個(gè)年輕的生物體。)
  • 14、I give you full power toact for me.(全權(quán)代我處理。)
  • 15、She has not learnt to manage her affairs yet, and Iact for her: there's nobody else.'(她還沒(méi)有學(xué)會(huì)管理她的事情呢,我替她辦,沒(méi)有別人啦。)
  • 16、An analysis of the iPhone's release to the market reveals it will be a hardact for phone makers to follow.(分析發(fā)現(xiàn),IPhone進(jìn)入市場(chǎng),將會(huì)使得手機(jī)制造商們路途艱辛。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、As well as supporting work to protect species such as orangutans, Asian elephants and black rhinos,act for Wildlife has also included a project called UK Wildlife.(除了為保護(hù)大猩猩、亞洲象和黑犀牛等物種做支持性工作之外,“保護(hù)野生動(dòng)物行動(dòng)”還包括一個(gè)稱作“英國(guó)野生動(dòng)物”的項(xiàng)目。)
  • 18、You could get them under the Trade Descriptionsact for that!(你可以根據(jù)《商品說(shuō)明法》將他們繩之以法。)
  • 19、If you want to go abroad, you find an agent concerned toact for you.(若你想出國(guó),會(huì)找到一家相關(guān)的代理機(jī)構(gòu)為你干活。)
  • 20、Q: Why did you researchact for malaria at a time when there were no concerns about resistance to artemisinin?(問(wèn):為何您在青蒿素耐藥性并未引起關(guān)注的時(shí)候就研究青蒿素類復(fù)方藥呢?)
  • 21、act for God if you want to, be God's actress if you want to.(如果你愿意,為上帝表演,做上帝的演員。)
  • 22、Chester Zoo'sact for wildlife site hopes social media, video and blogs will increase gadget-obsessed youngsters' interest in wildlife.(切斯特動(dòng)物園的“保護(hù)野生動(dòng)物行動(dòng)網(wǎng)站”希望社會(huì)媒體、視頻和博客攜起手來(lái)增加沉迷于電子娛樂(lè)設(shè)備的年輕人對(duì)野生動(dòng)物的興趣。)

act for基本釋義

act for

英 [?kt f?:] 美 [?kt f?r] 
