
abound in造句

abound in造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:22


abound in造句

  • 1、Theyabound in money, judging from customers's presence.(從顧客光顧情況來看,他們賺了很多錢。)
  • 2、The skeletons of dead treesabound in this orchard.(園里充滿了死樹的枯骸。)
  • 3、And the Lord make you to increase andabound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you.(又愿主叫你們彼此相愛的心,并愛眾人的心,都能增長,充足,如同我們愛你們一樣。)
  • 4、Wild birdsabound in Oxfordshire.(牛津郡多野鳥。)
  • 5、And this I pray, that your charity may more and moreabound in knowledge, and in all understanding.(我所祈求的是:愿你們的愛德日漸增長,滿渥真知識和各種識見。)
  • 6、Even within this limited definition of performance, pitfallsabound in trying to benchmark code accurately.(即使在如此狹義的性能定義之下,精確地進(jìn)行代碼基準(zhǔn)測試仍然有很多困難。)
  • 7、Wild animalsabound in this forest.(這森林里有許多野生動物。)
  • 8、Then shalt thouabound in delights in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face to God.(那時你必以全能者為喜樂,向天主仰起你的頭來。)
  • 9、The Canter- bury Talesabound in lusty humor but touch many other moods and styles.(《坎特伯雷故事集》容納了大量輕快活潑的幽默情節(jié),但也涉及其他的各種基調(diào)和風(fēng)格。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、Fishabound in the waters of Newfoundland.(紐芬蘭的沿海海域有很多魚。)
  • 11、Wild animalsabound in this park.(這個公園里野獸很多。)
  • 12、Some languagesabound in figurative expressions.(有的語言富于比喻性表達(dá)。)
  • 13、And that boosts the likelihood that other Earths, and maybe even other forms of life,abound in the Milky Way.(這大大增加了銀河系中可能大量存在其他“地球”,甚至其他生命形態(tài)的可能性。)
  • 14、Fishabound in this river.(這條河多魚。)
  • 15、Bisons, elk, bears and wildlifeabound in this huge national park.(野牛、麋鹿、熊等各種野生動物在公園內(nèi)隨處可見。)
  • 16、The sun's raysabound in space.(太空中的太陽光線非常充足。)
  • 17、In addition China's offshore areasabound in seawater resources and regenerable Marine energy resources.(此外,中國海域還有豐富的海水資源和海洋可再生能源。)
  • 18、Most of her poemsabound in imagery.(她的詩歌大多數(shù)富于形象。)
  • 19、Tulipsabound in Holland.(荷蘭以生產(chǎn)郁金香著稱。)
  • 20、Brightclusters and nebulaeabound in the northern constellation of Auriga.(御夫座北部有大量明亮的星團(tuán)和星云。)
  • 21、References to Cadillacsabound in hip-hop, owing to the near-mythic status of the brand among rappers.(由于它在說唱歌手群體中近乎傳奇的地位,很多hip-hop音樂中都有卡迪拉克的影子。)
  • 22、Some languagesabound in idioms.(某些語言以多習(xí)語為特征。)
  • 23、Georgia and Alabamaabound in lakes and rivers.(佐治亞州與阿拉巴馬州湖泊河流眾多。)
  • 24、Tropical plantsabound in the jungle.(叢林中有大量的熱帶植物。)
  • 25、Wild animalsabound in the park.(公園里有許多野生動物。)
  • 26、Similar instancesabound in China.(中國的故事也很多。)

abound in基本釋義

abound in

英 [??baund in] 美 [??ba?nd ?n] 
富于; 盛產(chǎn)