by air造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:05


by air造句

  • 1、Will you go there by train orby air?(你們將坐火車(chē)去還是乘飛機(jī)去?)
  • 2、He was the first man to navigate the Atlanticby air.(他是第一個(gè)飛越大西洋的人。)
  • 3、I'm going to Chicagoby air next week.(下周我要乘飛機(jī)去芝加哥。)
  • 4、I'm goingby air. I like flying.(我坐飛機(jī)去。我喜歡坐飛機(jī)。)
  • 5、The aircraft belonged to Ecuador Airline, but it had been charteredby air France for the route from Bogota to the Ecuadorian capital Quito.(該飛機(jī)屬于厄瓜多爾航空公司,但由法航租用,用于從波哥大飛往厄瓜多爾首都基多的航線。)
  • 6、The pilot was given clearance to landby air traffic control.(飛行員得到空中交通管制站發(fā)出的著陸許可。)
  • 7、He arrivedby air.(他坐飛機(jī)到達(dá)了。)
  • 8、Transporting fruits and vegetablesby air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of fresh farm products that are in season from all over the world.(空運(yùn)果蔬可以讓消費(fèi)者享受更多的來(lái)自世界各地的新鮮的當(dāng)季農(nóng)產(chǎn)品。)
  • 9、We sent the letterby air mail.(我們通過(guò)空郵寄信。)
  • 10、I used to travel a great dealby air as a bachelor.(當(dāng)我還是單身的時(shí)候我總是坐飛機(jī)到處旅游。)
  • 11、by air, Central America is less than three hours from Miami.(空中通道,從邁阿密到中美洲不到三小時(shí)。)
  • 12、He invented something special that was pushed alongby air.(他發(fā)明了一種很特別的東西,它可以由空氣推動(dòng)。)
  • 13、Some substances resist corrosionby air or water.(有些物質(zhì)可以抗空氣或水的腐蝕。)
  • 14、Not all the material we use goesby air.(我們所使用東西并不是全都通過(guò)飛機(jī)運(yùn)輸。)
  • 15、MARTIN: Will you travel by sea orby air?(馬丁:你們乘船去,還是乘飛機(jī)去?)
  • 16、I cameby air and it was tiring.(我坐飛機(jī)來(lái)的,那真累啊。)
  • 17、You're surroundedby air, yet you can't fly!(你被空氣包圍著,可你也不會(huì)飛啊!)
  • 18、But oxygen canisters cannot be transportedby air.(但是,氧氣筒不能空運(yùn)。)
  • 19、It is not possible to do everythingby air.(一切都通過(guò)航空進(jìn)行是不可能的。)
  • 20、B: in five working days, if we shipby air.(B:如果空運(yùn)的話,五個(gè)工作天內(nèi)可以到。)
  • 21、Miss Lucy came to Chinaby air.(露西小姐是乘飛機(jī)來(lái)中國(guó)的。)
  • 22、W: by sea orby air?(乘船還是乘飛機(jī)?)
  • 23、He went to Shanghaiby air last night.(他昨天晚上乘飛機(jī)去了上海。)
  • 24、B Maybe you should goby air.(B也許你應(yīng)該乘飛機(jī)去。)
  • 25、We can annoy the enemyby air raids.(我們可以用空襲騷擾敵人。)
  • 26、But enormous efforts are being madeby air, sea and land.(但是我們正經(jīng)由海、陸、空各方做出巨大努力。)
  • 27、Helen: How much of it do you want shippedby air?(海倫:您想要空運(yùn)多少數(shù)量呢?)
  • 28、Do you like travelby air?(你喜歡坐飛機(jī)旅行嗎?)
  • 29、The only way in or out isby air or boat.(僅有的出入方式是飛機(jī)和輪船。)
  • 30、Please have the goods transportedby air.(請(qǐng)空運(yùn)此批貨。)

by air基本釋義

by air

英 [bai e?(r)] 美 [ba? er] 
