hand in hand造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:00


hand in hand造句

  • 1、The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress, or how beautifully we decorate our home, we can't be truly elegant unless we have good manners because elegance and good manners go alwayshand in hand.(事實(shí)上,不管我們穿得多么漂亮,或者我們把家里裝飾得多么漂亮,我們都不可能真正做到優(yōu)雅,除非我們有禮貌,因?yàn)閮?yōu)雅和禮貌總是相輔相成的。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、But in days to come he will walkhand in hand with us.(但是在未來(lái)的日子里,他會(huì)跟我們手拉手地一起走的。)
  • 3、Only when all of us joinhand in hand to eliminate noise pollution at all levels, can we have a better environment and a more beautiful future.(只有當(dāng)我們所有人攜手消除各級(jí)噪音污染時(shí),我們才能擁有更好的環(huán)境和更美好的未來(lái)。)
  • 4、hand in hand we would walk to the bus stop.(我們手牽手走到公共汽車站。)
  • 5、Testing and development gohand in hand.(測(cè)試和開發(fā)同時(shí)進(jìn)行。)
  • 6、hand in hand, she climbed up with her old friend.(她和她的老朋友手拉手爬了上去。)
  • 7、hand in hand, they descended the cool dark trail.(他們手牽手,沿著一條清涼幽暗的小徑走進(jìn)去。)
  • 8、He learned to climb the treehand in hand.(他學(xué)會(huì)兩手交替使用爬下樹。)
  • 9、Nowadays, stress goeshand in hand with life in a competitive society.(如今,在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)激烈的社會(huì)里壓力總是與生活相伴。)
  • 10、Poverty and poor health often gohand in hand.(貧困和健康不良常有連帶關(guān)系。)
  • 11、Those two don't always gohand in hand.(短期回報(bào)和長(zhǎng)期利益并不總是一致。)
  • 12、hand in hand classmates sing themselves hoarse.(同學(xué)們手牽手嘶啞地歌唱。)
  • 13、The two drugs workhand in hand to combat the disease and help to repair damaged cells and tissue.(這兩種藥物攜手合作,共同對(duì)抗疾病,幫助修復(fù)受損的細(xì)胞和組織。)
  • 14、Education and health gohand in hand.(教育和衛(wèi)生齊頭并進(jìn)。)
  • 15、Students standhand in hand in a row.(學(xué)生們手牽手站成一排。)
  • 16、hand in hand they went out of the bower, and they were standing in the beautiful garden of their home.(他們手拉著手走出了涼亭,站在他們家美麗的花園里。)
  • 17、Technology and business strategy gohand in hand.(技術(shù)和企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略攜手前進(jìn)。)
  • 18、They rose up and wandered along,hand in hand and hopeless.(他們站起來(lái),手拉手,絕望地走著。)
  • 19、I believe that we must movehand in hand in solving the problem of environmental pollution to create a bright future.(我認(rèn)為我們必須攜手解決環(huán)境問(wèn)題以創(chuàng)造一個(gè)光明的未來(lái)。)
  • 20、They would acthand in hand.(他們將攜手聯(lián)合行動(dòng)。)
  • 21、They dancedhand in hand beside the calm lake in the clear moonshine.(在皎潔的月光下,她們?cè)谄届o的湖邊手拉手跳舞。)
  • 22、For us, research and teaching gohand in hand.(對(duì)于我們來(lái)說(shuō),研究與教學(xué)密切相關(guān)。)
  • 23、Children and TV often gohand in hand.(兒童和電視經(jīng)常是形影不離的。)
  • 24、I saw them making their way,hand in hand, down the path.(我看到他們手拉手沿著小路朝前走。)
  • 25、Couples walkedhand in hand along the front.(對(duì)對(duì)情侶手牽手沿河邊散步。)
  • 26、hand in hand, they wandered down, till the doctor stood still.(他們手牽手往下走,直到醫(yī)生停下。)

hand in hand基本釋義

hand in hand

英 [h?nd in h?nd] 美 [h?nd ?n h?nd] 
手拉手地; 聯(lián)合起來(lái); 相隨