run through造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:11:53


run through造句

  • 1、The purpose of the urethra is certainly to have a riverrun through it.(尿道的作用當(dāng)然是讓一條河流通過(guò)它。)
  • 2、She felt a surge of excitementrun through her.(她感到一陣激動(dòng)傳遍全身。)
  • 3、DON BRADLEY: Let 's have arun through.(堂。布拉德利:我們先排練一遍。)
  • 4、Could yourun through the procedure, please?(你能大概演示一下該生產(chǎn)過(guò)程嗎?)
  • 5、The baggies keep my feet dry even when Irun through puddles.(這樣即使我跑過(guò)水渦兒,塑料袋也可以讓我的腳不沾濕。)
  • 6、Signals running through fiber-optic cables deteriorate, and so the signals must berun through a piece of equipment called a regenerator before being transmitted farther.(通過(guò)光纖傳輸?shù)男盘?hào)會(huì)變?nèi)?,因此信?hào)必須通過(guò)一種稱為再生器的設(shè)備才能傳輸?shù)礁h(yuǎn)的地方。)
  • 7、In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gangrun through the poppies: a faux backdrop.(在我印象中,它曾經(jīng)如同一座翡翠城,但后來(lái)桃樂(lè)西一伙跑過(guò)了罌粟花:一個(gè)人為的背景。)
  • 8、run through your conversion with one document.(用一個(gè)文檔遍歷轉(zhuǎn)換過(guò)程。)
  • 9、The contract is expected torun through 2010.(預(yù)計(jì)該合同將執(zhí)行到2010年。)
  • 10、He scooped up some of the water and let itrun through his fingers.(他掬起一些水,讓它流過(guò)他的手指。)
  • 11、Could werun through your proposals once again?(我們?cè)賮?lái)簡(jiǎn)要討論一下你的建議,好嗎?)
  • 12、Chordotonal organs, tracheoles, and nervesrun through it.(對(duì)聲音有反應(yīng)的器官,小氣管和神經(jīng)能夠穿過(guò)它。)
  • 13、Mild pain or discomfort is common and considered safe torun through.(輕度疼痛或是不適感對(duì)于跑步來(lái)說(shuō)是很常見(jiàn)并認(rèn)為是安全的。)
  • 14、Did somebodyrun through with a tractor?(有人開(kāi)拖拉機(jī)嗎?)
  • 15、Put the coffee in the filter and let the waterrun through.(把咖啡放入過(guò)濾器里讓水流過(guò)。)
  • 16、"Let'srun through the rain!" She repeated.(“我們?cè)谟昀锱馨桑彼貜?fù)。)
  • 17、And now I want torun through the loop.(現(xiàn)在我想進(jìn)入循環(huán)了。)
  • 18、Ask me torun through a rainstorm.(它讓我經(jīng)歷暴風(fēng)雨。)
  • 19、He felt a cold shiver of fearrun through him.(他嚇得打了一個(gè)寒戰(zhàn)。)
  • 20、After he's finished the work, reward his effort by turning on the sprinkler and letting himrun through it.(在他完成工作之后,獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)他的努力:打開(kāi)灑水器,讓他跑著從水霧中穿過(guò)去。)
  • 21、At night, the sand in the hourglass hasrun through twelve times.(晚上,沙漏里的沙子已經(jīng)流了12次。)
  • 22、Can werun through Scene 3 again, please?(請(qǐng)大家再來(lái)排練一下第3場(chǎng)好嗎?)
  • 23、Two other common motifsrun through this year's rebellions.(貫穿今年的反抗活動(dòng)的兩個(gè)其他普通主題。)
  • 24、He felt a quiver of excitementrun through him.(他覺(jué)得渾身上下都興奮起來(lái)。)
  • 25、Tramcarsrun through the streets of the city.(有軌電車行駛于這座城市的大街上。)
  • 26、Irun through other things it might be: did I leave the door open?(我梳理了一下其他我可能做過(guò)的事情:我是否讓大門敞開(kāi)了呢?)
  • 27、Make changes where necessary andrun through the whole show again.(必要的話做些改動(dòng),然后再演練一遍。)
  • 28、run through the sprinkler together.(一起跑過(guò)灑水車。)
  • 29、Let the rainwaterrun through this pipe.(讓雨水從這個(gè)管道中流過(guò)去。)

run through基本釋義

run through

英 [r?n θru:] 美 [r?n θru] 
跑著穿過(guò); 刺; 戳; 貫穿; 匆匆處理; 揮霍