take turns造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:11:56


take turns造句

  • 1、take turns to ask for and give advice.(輪流征求意見,提出建議。)
  • 2、take turns to ask your questions.(輪流提出你們的問題。)
  • 3、He and Carla Torgersontake turns as the band's lead vocalist.(他和卡拉·托格森輪流擔(dān)任樂隊(duì)的領(lǐng)唱。)
  • 4、If wetake turns driving, we won't get tired.(如果我們輪流開車,就不會(huì)覺得累了。)
  • 5、The three mentake turns driving the car.(三個(gè)人輪流開車。)
  • 6、In a direct democracy, citizenstake turns governing themselves, rather than electing representatives to govern for them.(在直接民主制度中,公民輪流管理自己,而不是選舉代表來為他們管理。)
  • 7、We cantake turns to be the leader.(我們可以輪流當(dāng)領(lǐng)袖。)
  • 8、Since people are very well-trained in having conversations, they are often able totake turns within milliseconds, resulting in a conversational flow of smoothly meshed behaviors.(由于人們?cè)诮徽劮矫媸苓^非常好的訓(xùn)練,他們通常能夠在幾毫秒內(nèi)輪流進(jìn)行交談,從而形成流暢的對(duì)話。)
  • 9、We cantake turns driving.(我們可以輪流開車。)
  • 10、Let'stake turns. You can go first.(我們輪流。你可以先去。)
  • 11、Theytake turns with the bathroom.(他們輪流上廁所。)
  • 12、Pleasetake turns to use the computer.(請(qǐng)輪流使用電腦。)
  • 13、No! Let'stake turns to drink.(不!讓我們輪流喝吧!)
  • 14、The studentstake turns to clean up their classroom.(學(xué)生們輪流打掃教室。)
  • 15、Try totake turns to ask questions.(試著輪流問問題。)
  • 16、The brain hemispherestake turns sinking into the sleep stage characterized by slow brain waves.(大腦半球輪流進(jìn)入以慢腦波為特征的睡眠階段。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 17、Let'stake turns telling one another secrets.(我們輪流告訴對(duì)方秘密吧。)
  • 18、Wetake turns because it's fair.(我們輪流交換,因?yàn)檫@樣公平。)
  • 19、We shouldtake turns to play computer games.(我們應(yīng)該輪流玩電腦游戲。)
  • 20、The male and female birdstake turns in sitting on the eggs.(雄鳥和雌鳥輪流伏窩。)
  • 21、Wetake turns looking after the baby at night.(晚上我們輪流起床照顧孩子。)
  • 22、In class we should not talk at the same time; we shouldtake turns.(上課時(shí),我們不應(yīng)同時(shí)發(fā)言,而應(yīng)輪流發(fā)言。)
  • 23、We need totake turns to talk.(我們需要輪流講話。)
  • 24、The groupstake turns to present their work.(小組輪流介紹他們的作品。)
  • 25、All right. We cantake turns driving.(好吧,我們可以輪流開車。)
  • 26、take turns to tell each other about your projects.(互相之間輪流說一說你們的課題。)
  • 27、I just wanted totake turns cleaning the toilet.(我只是想輪流打掃廁所。)
  • 28、We'lltake turns putting our names on plates, books, or pictures.(大家會(huì)輪流把自己的名字放到盤子,書本或照片上。)
  • 29、Males and femalestake turns brooding the eggs.(雌雄輪流孵卵。)
  • 30、The doctorstake turns participating in the mobile medical team.(醫(yī)生們輪流參加流動(dòng)醫(yī)療隊(duì)。)

take turns基本釋義

take turns

輪換; 替換,輪流; 更替; 倒換
