
on a large scale造句

on a large scale造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:11:24


on a large scale造句

  • 1、People usually say I take after my fatheron a large scale.(大家都說,我在很大程度上像我爸爸。)
  • 2、This applieson a large scale as well.(這在更大范圍上也同樣適用。)
  • 3、The GNU/Linux operating system (Linux) has spurred the adoption of clusterson a large scale.(GNU/Linux操作系統(tǒng)(Linux)已經在集群中得到了大量的采用。)
  • 4、The idea originally came from the Soviet Union where distance learning had run for many yearson a large scale.(這個觀念起源于蘇聯(lián),在那里,大規(guī)模的遠程教育已經開展了好多年。)
  • 5、Munich Re hopes that introducing solar poweron a large scale will at least slow the process down a bit.(MunichRe希望大規(guī)模采用太陽能至少會把氣候變化的進程減緩一些。)
  • 6、Your objective is to build a larger organization with a unified message and a single strategic plan to effect changeon a large scale.(目的是建立一個更大的有統(tǒng)一宗旨和同一戰(zhàn)略計劃的組織,去大規(guī)模地影響變化。)
  • 7、The hope is that two additional studies would provide the evidence to adopt the gelon a large scale.(人們希望,另外兩項研究能夠提供證據(jù)允許大規(guī)模采用凝膠。)
  • 8、Today, the Mises Institute has an edition out of this book and it continues to sellon a large scale.(直至今日,米塞斯研究院仍在出版發(fā)行這本書,并且一直熱賣。)
  • 9、But making them workon a large scale will involve striking the right balance between accuracy and practicality.(但要讓它們大規(guī)模應用起來則需在準確性和實用性間取得一種合理的平衡。)
  • 10、The pale salesman wholesales scaleson a large scale.(面色蒼白的推銷員大規(guī)模批發(fā)比例尺(天平,魚鱗).) Hao86.com
  • 11、It presents some complex challenges for implementing these featureson a large scale.(它為大規(guī)模地實現(xiàn)這些特性帶來一些復雜的挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 12、Therefore, the problems developing on server 1 could ripple across the entire SOA, disrupting the SOAon a large scale.(因此,服務器1出現(xiàn)的問題可能波及整個SOA,大幅度影響SOA。)
  • 13、To do so requires running the two systems in tandem for a whileon a large scale.(要那樣做的話需要大規(guī)模地聯(lián)合運行2套系統(tǒng)好一段時間。)
  • 14、This has happenedon a large scale in at least Egypt, Syria and Libya.(至少在埃及、敘利亞和利比亞都大規(guī)模的發(fā)生。)
  • 15、According to Jeff Genender, Geronimo won't be adoptedon a large scale or into the enterprise without horizontal scalability.(根據(jù)JeffGenender的觀點,如果沒有水平的可伸縮性,Geronimo就不會被大規(guī)模采用或進入大企業(yè)。)
  • 16、When in season, key technology services must be mobilizedon a large scale to ensure high rate of technology utilization.(關鍵農時季節(jié)組織開展大規(guī)??萍挤眨岣呒夹g入戶率和到位率。)
  • 17、These incidents haven't happenedon a large scale yet.(這樣的事件還沒有大規(guī)模地發(fā)生。)
  • 18、This movement has aroused the masseson a large scale.(這次運動,群眾發(fā)動的面很廣。)
  • 19、That is why REDD has to be doneon a large scale, even if the payments will vary.(這便是為何REDD計劃必須大范圍實施,即便補償將有所不同的原因。)

on a large scale基本釋義

on a large scale

英 [?n ? lɑ:d? skeil] 美 [ɑn e lɑrd? skel] 
