
on account of造句

on account of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:11:23


on account of造句

  • 1、He felt guiltyon account of his former anger at the kind gentleman.(他覺得很內(nèi)疚,因?yàn)樗郧皩?duì)這位善良的紳士生過氣。)
  • 2、Likewise the proposed Motor Pool Improvement,on account of a shard of Colonial crockery.(類似的還有摩托車中心的改造項(xiàng)目,因?yàn)閺牡乩锿诔隽酥趁駮r(shí)代的陶器碎片也沒搞成。)
  • 3、Did you choose this companyon account of high pay (remuneration)?(你是因?yàn)橄氆@得優(yōu)厚的報(bào)酬才選擇本公司嗎?)
  • 4、Allon account of a ridiculous error.(而這一切都是由于一個(gè)荒唐的錯(cuò)誤導(dǎo)致的。)
  • 5、He took all afternoon on each one of them,on account of having to hunt for each letter on the typewriter.(他每寫一篇都花上整整一個(gè)下午的時(shí)間,因?yàn)樗迷诖蜃謾C(jī)上尋找每一個(gè)字母。)
  • 6、on account of me you will stand before governors and Kings as witnesses to them.(又為我的緣故站在諸侯與君王面前,對(duì)他們作見證。)
  • 7、This is allon account of climate change.(這些都是由氣候變化引起的。)
  • 8、If he had only known then the dreadful things that were to happen to himon account of his disobedience!(要是他能知道,因?yàn)椴宦犜拰?huì)面臨什么可怕的事情,那就好了!)
  • 9、Did you choose this companyon account of high pay?(你是因?yàn)樾剿卟胚x擇本公司的嗎?) hAo86.com
  • 10、She petitioned for divorceon account of the breakdown of their marriage.(她以婚姻關(guān)系破裂為由申請(qǐng)離婚。)
  • 11、It was allon account of the whiskey and the excitement, I reckon.(我想,這完全是威士忌刺激的緣故。)
  • 12、The flight was postponedon account of bad weather.(因?yàn)樘鞖鈵毫?,飛行延期了。)
  • 13、In the cloudless night ground temperature decreaseson account of the heat lost to the space.(在無(wú)云夜間地面溫度由于其熱量散失到空間而下降。)
  • 14、Peter replied, "Even if all fall awayon account of you, I never will."(彼得說,眾人雖然為你的緣故跌倒,我卻永不跌倒。)
  • 15、He explained he made a mistakeon account of his illness.(他解釋他犯錯(cuò)是因?yàn)樗×恕?
  • 16、Sorry that I cannot go to the airport to pick you up in personon account of stomach ache.(很抱歉我不能親自去機(jī)場(chǎng)接你,因?yàn)槲叶亲油础?
  • 17、The manager had to step downon account of poor health.(那位經(jīng)理由于身體不好,只能辭職不干。)
  • 18、She retired earlyon account of ill health.(她體弱多病,所以提前退休。)
  • 19、The Beckhams are invitedon account of David's work with Prince William on England's 2018 World Cup bid.(貝克漢姆夫婦因小貝在英格蘭2018年世界杯申辦中與威廉王子協(xié)同作戰(zhàn)而拿到婚禮請(qǐng)柬。)
  • 20、Heidi had already great confidence in the butler, especiallyon account of the resemblance she had discovered.(海蒂已經(jīng)很信任管家了,尤其是因?yàn)樗l(fā)現(xiàn)了她和管家的相似之處。)
  • 21、The president declined to deliver the speech himself,on account of a sore throat.(那位總統(tǒng)由于嗓子疼拒絕親自發(fā)表演講。)
  • 22、ECOWAS suspended Niger in Octoberon account of Mr Tandja's bad behaviour.(十月,鑒于丹達(dá)先生的不良行徑,西共體取消了尼日爾的成員資格。)
  • 23、The child could not be seenon account of her small size, but the head of her doll was visible.(他望不見那孩子,因?yàn)樗?,可是他望見了那玩偶的頭。)
  • 24、That was largelyon account of more women joining the labor force, and continuing to work once they had kids.(這種情況很大程度上是由于更多的婦女參與到了勞動(dòng)力之中,直到有了小孩才停止工作。)
  • 25、The Apollo 9 Command module was called Gumdrop,on account of the blue cellophane wrapping in which the craft was delivered.(阿波羅9號(hào)的指揮艙被稱為Gumdrop,因?yàn)轱w船是用藍(lán)色玻璃紙包裹的。)
  • 26、So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants to stop livingon account of the cost.(到目前為止我還沒有聽說過誰(shuí)因?yàn)橘M(fèi)用問題而想要停止生活。)
  • 27、Chettiar was releasedon account of illness.(切蒂亞爾因病獲釋。)
  • 28、The fact was, he could not refuse the request,on account of the dwarf's third gift.(事實(shí)上,由于小矮人的第三個(gè)禮物,他無(wú)法拒絕這個(gè)請(qǐng)求。)

on account of基本釋義

on account of

英 [?n ??kaunt ?v] 美 [ɑn ??ka?nt ?v] 