
on the road造句

on the road造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:11:21


on the road造句

  • 1、The hotel is the only white buildingon the road— you can't miss it.(酒店是這條路上唯一的白色建筑—你不會看不見的。)
  • 2、When you've got speed limits, this creates situations that actually present dangerson the road.(當你達到速度限制時會遇到道路上的危險情況。)
  • 3、Smooth traffic flowon the road.(道路交通順暢。)
  • 4、The sheep had got out and were looseon the road.(那些羊跑出來在路上自由自在地走動。)
  • 5、He picked up two hitchhikerson the road to Bristol.(他在前往布里斯托爾的路上捎帶了兩個免費搭車的人。)
  • 6、The other one is stillon the road.(另一個仍在路上。)
  • 7、Let's get this showon the road!(咱們這就開始吧!)
  • 8、New cars start to depreciate as soon as they areon the road.(新車一上路就開始貶值。)
  • 9、The car wheels spun and slipped on some oilon the road.(小汽車的車輪在路面的油跡上空轉(zhuǎn)打了滑。)
  • 10、All that I ask is that alternatives be offered instead of putting all of uson the road to calculus.(我所要求的只是一些替代方案,而不是讓我們所有人都走上學習微積分的道路。)
  • 11、Look! An old man is lyingon the road.(看!一位老人躺在路上。)
  • 12、One day he saw a piece of goldon the road.(一天,他在路上看到一塊金子。)
  • 13、A nailon the road punctured the tyre.(路上的釘子扎破了輪胎。)
  • 14、The skills and logistics of getting such a big showon the road pose enormous practical problems.(這樣的一個大型節(jié)目進行巡演在技術(shù)和后勤方面都會面臨大量實際問題。)
  • 15、It was exhilarating to beon the road again and his spirits rose.(重新上路非常令人歡欣,他的興致高漲了起來。)
  • 16、I almost fell downon the road.(我差點在路上跌倒。)
  • 17、What appeals to you about lifeon the road?(在路上的生活有什么是吸引你的?) hao86.com
  • 18、With our continuous efforts, I believe that we can overcome all the difficultieson the road to protect the environment.(通過不懈努力,我相信我們是可以克服環(huán)保道路上所有的困難的。)
  • 19、The skid markson the road showed how fast the car had been travelling.(公路上留下的滑行痕跡說明這輛車當時開得有多快。)
  • 20、The band has beenon the road for six months.(那支樂隊巡回演出已有六個月了。)
  • 21、I'm so happy to be actuallyon the road now.(我很高興現(xiàn)在真的上路了。)
  • 22、There's a bump aheadon the road.(前面的路上有個顛簸。)
  • 23、A team of mule drivers walkedon the road.(一隊趕騾人在路上走著。)
  • 24、Lifeon the road can be very hard.(流浪生活會非常艱辛。)
  • 25、When he's outon the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck.(當他外出在路上時,打到辦公室的電話便被轉(zhuǎn)到他卡車中的移動電話上。)
  • 26、A police car is runningon the road.(一輛警車正在公路上奔馳。)
  • 27、If you runon the road, headphones can be dangerous, as you might not hear traffic coming your way.(如果你在公路上跑,帶個耳機是非常危險的,因為你可能聽不到一輛汽車已經(jīng)跟在你的身后。)
  • 28、I pick up a stoneon the road.(我在路上撿到一塊石頭。)
  • 29、Your car isn't fit to beon the road!(你的車子還不適合上馬路!)

on the road基本釋義

on the road

英 [?n e? ro?d] 美 [ɑn ei r??d] 

乘汽車旅行; 在走向…的路上; 巡回演出