at last造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:11:20


at last造句

  • 1、at last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs.(最后嗚咽聲終于停止了,取而代之的是抽鼻子的聲音。)
  • 2、at last the guests began to arrive.(客人們終于陸續(xù)到達(dá)了。)
  • 3、at last the plane righted itself and flew on.(最后,飛機終于恢復(fù)了平穩(wěn),繼續(xù)飛行。)
  • 4、Help cameat last.(救援終于到了。)
  • 5、at last we could relax and talk without constraint.(我們終于可以放松下來,無拘無束地談話了。)
  • 6、We have sorted out this wretched businessat last.(我們終于處理了這起惡劣的事件。)
  • 7、at last he was free from the financial bloodsuckers.(最終他擺脫了這些金融吸血鬼們。)
  • 8、Lifeat last returned to some semblance of normality.(生活似乎終于恢復(fù)了正常。)
  • 9、We were homeward boundat last.(我們終于要回家了。)
  • 10、I'm so glad that we've found youat last!(我太高興了,我們終于找到你了!)
  • 11、at last the traffic fell silent.(車輛的喧囂終于消逝了。)
  • 12、at last she gained the shelter of the forest.(她終于到達(dá)了森林中的隱蔽處。)
  • 13、He wasat last let loose in the kitchen.(終于放手讓他干廚房里的活兒了。)
  • 14、You've plucked your eyebrowsat last!(你終于修了眉!)
  • 15、at last the wind dropped.(風(fēng)勢終于減弱了。)
  • 16、at last he had his own wheels.(他終于有了自己的汽車。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 17、They reached portat last.(他們終于抵達(dá)港口。)
  • 18、They wereat last freed from the fetters of ignorance.(他們終于從愚昧無知的束縛中解脫出來。)
  • 19、They ran the story under the headline 'Homeat last!'.(報紙刊登這個報道的大標(biāo)題為“終于回家了!”。)
  • 20、at last we came in sight of a few houses.(最后,我們看到了幾座房屋。)
  • 21、'at last!' she cried dramatically.(“終于成功了!”她激動地叫起來。)
  • 22、at last we could see the dim outline of an island.(我們終于能看到一小島朦朧的輪廓了。)
  • 23、at last we're home!(我們終于到家了!)
  • 24、at last they were able to feel secure about the future.(他們終于覺得不必為將來而擔(dān)憂了。)
  • 25、The sun broke throughat last in the afternoon.(下午太陽終于撥云而出。)
  • 26、The economy isat last beginning to recover.(經(jīng)濟終于開始復(fù)蘇了。)
  • 27、Unemployment hasat last plateaued out.(失業(yè)情況終于穩(wěn)定了下來。)
  • 28、There you areat last! We'd given you up.(你終于來了!我們都以為你不來了呢。)
  • 29、at last, Harper deigned to speak.(哈珀終于降低身價,開口說話了。)
  • 30、I have my very own roomat last.(我終于有了我自己的房間了!)

at last基本釋義

at last

英 [?t lɑ:st] 美 [?t l?st] 
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