
come back造句

come back造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:11:37


come back造句

  • 1、We watched the boatscome back in the gathering gloom.(我們注視著船只在越來越濃的暮色中返航。)
  • 2、"come back!" he called after me.(“回來!”他在我身后沖我喊。)
  • 3、She will nevercome back.(她再也不會(huì)回來了。)
  • 4、I'llcome back to the land of my forebears.(我將回到祖先的土地。)
  • 5、Maybe, I'llcome back!(也許,我還會(huì)回來的!)
  • 6、Halley's Comet is going tocome back in 2061.(哈雷彗星將在2061年返回。)
  • 7、The lady pleaded with her daughter tocome back home.(那位女士懇求她的女兒回家。)
  • 8、I told him good night,come back any time, and have a safe trip home.(我祝他晚安、回家一路平安,并告訴他可以隨時(shí)回來。)
  • 9、He wanted to recharge his batteries andcome back feeling fresh and positive.(他想去放松休息一下,然后回來時(shí)精力充沛、積極向上。)
  • 10、He'll nevercome back.(他再也不會(huì)回來了。)
  • 11、Can Icome back to the question of policing once again?(我能回過頭來再說說治安問題嗎?)
  • 12、Pleasecome back soon.(請(qǐng)馬上回來。)
  • 13、When will shecome back?(她什么時(shí)候回來?)
  • 14、I won'tcome back!(我再也不回來了!)
  • 15、He wanted tocome back to Washington.(他想回到華盛頓。)
  • 16、She whistled to the dog tocome back.(她打了個(gè)呼哨把狗喚回來。)
  • 17、come back when you're in a better temper.(心情好些時(shí)再回來。)
  • 18、You'llcome back someday.(有一天你會(huì)回來的。)
  • 19、Tom!come back, Tom!(湯姆!回來吧,湯姆!)
  • 20、Let's get our coats at the cloakroom and notcome back.(我們?nèi)ヒ旅遍g取大衣,然后就別回來了。)
  • 21、She's going tocome back every so often.(她會(huì)偶爾回來一下。)
  • 22、You mustcome back.(你一定要回來??!)
  • 23、Youcome back early!(你早點(diǎn)回來!)
  • 24、She just wanted to go home and notcome back.(她只想回家而且不再回來。)
  • 25、I begged him tocome back to New York with me.(我請(qǐng)求他和我一起回紐約。)
  • 26、'He'llcome back,' Susan assured her.(“他會(huì)回來的?!碧K珊安慰她道。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 27、Let'scome back to the point at issue.(咱們還是回到問題的焦點(diǎn)吧。)
  • 28、Dickon would nevercome back.(狄肯再也不會(huì)回來了。)
  • 29、One of these days you'llcome back and ask me to forgive you.(你很快就會(huì)回來請(qǐng)求我原諒的。)
  • 30、They've justcome back.(他們剛回來。)

come back基本釋義

come back

英 [k?m b?k] 美 [k?m b?k] 