
follow up造句

follow up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:15:21


follow up造句

  • 1、If a person agrees,follow up immediately.(如果一個人同意了,立刻進行下去。)
  • 2、Either throw away, file orfollow up on each item.(要么刪除文件,要么跟進每個項目。)
  • 3、Also, if you enable auto-follow-up, it'll automaticallyfollow up with a short, polite email.(還有,如果我沒能自動跟蹤到,它還能自動給我發(fā)一封簡短的禮貌性回信。)
  • 4、Prior to a follow-up interview, the researchers inflated ratings for two symptoms by two points.(在后續(xù)訪談之前,研究人員將兩種癥狀的強度等級提高了兩分。)
  • 5、Andfollow up those words with actions that prove your love.(并且,說完這些詞后,你要繼續(xù)用行動證明你的愛。)
  • 6、follow up letter is also one important part of interview.(跟進信函也是面試中重要的一個部分。)
  • 7、I will definitelyfollow up on that!(我一定會跟進的!)
  • 8、Theyfollow up their March show with four UK dates next month.(他們在三月演出以后,就是下個月在英國的四場演出。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 9、Short segments of the road had been observed by earlier explorers, Bown said, but they failed to realize its significance orfollow up on their observations.(鮑恩說,早期的探險者曾觀測到這條路的一些片段,但他們沒有意識到這其中的重要性,也沒有繼續(xù)進行觀測。)
  • 10、These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up.(這些數(shù)據(jù)表明多數(shù)癌癥是由臨床隨訪查出的。)
  • 11、The police willfollow up all possible leads.(警方將追蹤所有可能有用的線索。)
  • 12、Then they try to teach the students something with a specific presentation style, like using visual AIDS, and do afollow up test to see how much they learned.(然后他們試著用一種特定的演講風(fēng)格教學(xué)生一些東西,比如使用視覺輔助,和做一個后續(xù)測試,看看他們學(xué)到了多少。)
  • 13、Certainly, you don't want to waste your precious hours on following the developments in a disorderly fashion and miss important deadlines, confuse interview times, or forget tofollow up as a result.(當(dāng)然,你也不想浪費寶貴時間去隨波逐流,從而錯過重要的截止日期、弄錯面試時間,或者忘記跟進重要事情的結(jié)果。)
  • 14、We'llfollow up later with our battery-test results.(我們稍后將呈現(xiàn)電池測試的結(jié)果。)
  • 15、It's because people do notfollow up.(這是因為人們不跟進。)
  • 16、And remember thefollow up to these questions: LISTEN!(要記住接下來你要做的事情:傾聽!)
  • 17、I'll definitelyfollow up on that.(我絕對會繼續(xù)留意這方面的。)
  • 18、You can book a half-hour session with Phil to start with, then if you want more help, he'll arrange follow-up sessions with you.(你可以先和菲爾預(yù)約半小時的治療,然后如果你需要更多幫助,他會安排你的后續(xù)治療。)
  • 19、Some hours after the two-part session, there is a follow-up class at which the students are stimulated to recall the material presented.(這個由兩部分組成的課程結(jié)束后的幾個小時,會有一節(jié)后續(xù)課程激勵學(xué)生們回憶所呈現(xiàn)的材料。)
  • 20、After asking this, you canfollow up with other questions.(問完這個問題,你可以接著問其他問題。)
  • 21、You shouldfollow up your phone call with an email or a letter.(你打電話后應(yīng)該接著發(fā)一封電子郵件或?qū)懛庑拧?
  • 22、In an interview carried on Teheran Radio, Ali Korum said an Iraqi delegation will be travelling to Teheran shortly tofollow up on the talks.(在德黑蘭電臺的采訪中,AliKorum說,伊拉克代表團很快將前往德黑蘭去跟進談判。)
  • 23、Do youfollow up after sending out your resume?(發(fā)出簡歷后你采取后繼行動了嗎?)
  • 24、In those essays, and in follow-up interviews with a few of the teenagers, we found lots of insight, positive feeling and inspirational thinking.(在這些文章中,以及對一些青少年的后續(xù)采訪中,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了許多深刻的見解、積極的感受和鼓舞人心的想法。)
  • 25、Come on, guys,follow up!(來啊,大伙兒,跟上!)
  • 26、Nofollow up required.(不需要跟進。)
  • 27、One week is a good time frame for a follow-up.follow up once.(對于跟進來說,一周是個合適的時間,應(yīng)該跟進一次。)
  • 28、Then if you wish we can stop and say: Pleasefollow up.(如果你們愿意,我們還可以停下來然后說:請跟上。)
  • 29、follow up on rebates.(追蹤回扣。)

follow up基本釋義

follow up

英 [?f?l?u ?p] 美 [?fɑlo ?p] 