
brain drain造句

brain drain造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:15:14


brain drain造句

  • 1、brain drain or net gain?(人才流失或凈賺?)
  • 2、Science careers can't be switched on and off with funding, and people will leave the country (brain drain) or leave science, never to return.(科研生涯不會(huì)因經(jīng)費(fèi)隨時(shí)開始或結(jié)束,人們會(huì)離開國家(人才外流)或告別科研,再也不會(huì)回頭。)
  • 3、If he's right, that's sounds like the kind ofbrain drain we could live with.(如果他是對(duì)的,那聽起來就像我們面對(duì)著人才流失。)
  • 4、There are many reasons for domestic talents shortage in India, the most important of which isbrain drain.(造成印度本土人才短缺的原因是多方面的,人才外流嚴(yán)重應(yīng)該是最主要的原因。)
  • 5、'Tiredness and "brain drain" were a regular feature of my life,' said Caroline day.(疲勞和腦力枯竭是我生活的家常便飯。)
  • 6、City workers were not pleased; bank bosses warned of abrain drain. See article.(城市就業(yè)者表示不滿,銀行老板則警告這會(huì)導(dǎo)致人才流失。)
  • 7、In business circles, the lack of women at the top is described as a "brain drain" and a crisis of "talent retention."(商圈的金字塔尖缺少女性,無異于“智力的流失”和一種“才能停滯”危機(jī)。)
  • 8、But Gibson says thebrain drain from old-guard companies may not last.(但吉布森稱老牌公司的人才流失不會(huì)持續(xù)很久。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、There is no doubt that thebrain drain is real and at risk of getting worse if funding and morale falls in this country.(毫無疑問如果這個(gè)國家經(jīng)費(fèi)和科研氣氛下降的話,人才必定外流,情況會(huì)變得更糟。)
  • 10、The "brain drain" may also undermine medical training in future.(“人才外流”還可能破壞未來的醫(yī)療培訓(xùn)。)
  • 11、Over scheduling your life will induce majorbrain drain.(過度繁忙的生活會(huì)導(dǎo)致思維枯竭。)
  • 12、In the 90s, they always said there was abrain drain in Africa.(人們常說,在九十年代中期,非洲出現(xiàn)了人才流失的現(xiàn)象。)
  • 13、Chile imports doctors and maids from Peru, raising worries about abrain drain.(智利由秘魯引入大量醫(yī)生和女傭,這已增加了對(duì)人才外流的擔(dān)憂。)
  • 14、But is thisbrain drain real, or merely a bit of self-justification?(這是真正的人才流失,還是僅僅是他們的一個(gè)自辯的理由呢?)
  • 15、And fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a "brain drain" are overblown.(而對(duì)于窮國將可能承受“人才外流”的惡果的恐懼也是言過其實(shí)的。)
  • 16、If thebrain drain becomes an irreversible trend, a vicious circle will take shape in Chinese academia.(如果人才流失成為一種不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的趨勢(shì),那么,中國學(xué)術(shù)界將會(huì)形成惡性循環(huán)。)
  • 17、Overall, thebrain drain actually helps poor countries.(總體而言,人才外流實(shí)際上有助于貧窮國家。)
  • 18、That is important: thebrain drain out of universities has been a huge, if largely hidden, loss in past decades.(這一點(diǎn)是重要的:在過去的幾十年中,大學(xué)中的人才流失是一個(gè)巨大的、而且往往是相當(dāng)隱性的損失。)
  • 19、Screen Time For Kids: Is it Learning or abrain drain?(孩子們盯著屏幕的時(shí)候:是在學(xué)習(xí)還是流失智慧?)

brain drain基本釋義

brain drain

英 [brein drein] 美 [bren dren] 
動(dòng)詞: brain-drain

