
pretty well造句

pretty well造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:14:50


pretty well造句

  • 1、"He seems to know the areapretty well." "Oh."(他看來對那個地區(qū)了如指掌。)
  • 2、At the beginning, Hu's strategy seemed to workpretty well.(在一開始,胡氏戰(zhàn)略似乎奏效。)
  • 3、Nonetheless it has weathered the stormpretty well.(但它漂亮地經受住了考驗。)
  • 4、"After all," thought he, "that chap ispretty well taken in."(“不管怎么說,”他想,“那家伙還是被騙了。”)
  • 5、But since it is here wepretty well take it for granted.(但既然生活在這個時代,我們不免會想當然。)
  • 6、We all didpretty well except Nick.(除了尼克,我們做得都很好。)
  • 7、Most readers, in fact, understand the novelpretty well.(實際上,大多數讀者都深刻理解了這部小說。)
  • 8、You foughtpretty well.(你打得相當棒。)
  • 9、So you probably think you know yourselfpretty well, right?(所以你可能會認為你非常了解自己,對不對?)
  • 10、It workspretty well in real life too.(在現實生活中,這也是挺管用的。)
  • 11、If you sold before March 2000 you didpretty well.(如果你在2000年3月之前就賣掉了,那你非常走運。)
  • 12、To tell the truth, I dopretty well with tips.(說實話,我對小費很在行。)
  • 13、This one is actuallypretty well known.(這家伙其實還挺有名的。)
  • 14、Henry and I liked each otherpretty well right away.(我和亨利,彼此幾乎是一見如故。)
  • 15、On the other hand, Pure flash apps runpretty well on mobiles!(另一方面,純flash應用則在移動設備上運轉良好!)
  • 16、You were playing basketballpretty well. Good job.(你打籃球很不錯。好樣的。) hao86.com
  • 17、I didpretty well, even in those days.(就是在那些年頭我干得也挺不錯。)
  • 18、Cash still workspretty well too.(現金現在還是很管用。)
  • 19、You knowpretty well everyone here, one way or the other.(你不管怎么說肯定非常了解這里的每個人。)
  • 20、I can read and write itpretty well.(我能讀和寫的很好。)
  • 21、I said, "I thinkpretty well."(我說,“我認為恢復的不錯。”)
  • 22、All of them playedpretty well.(他們所有人都打的很不錯。)
  • 23、But Ms Pelosi has donepretty well.(但是佩洛西女士卻表現得相當好。)
  • 24、Younger adults who went to college or graduate school were doingpretty well.(上過大學或研究生院的年輕人表現得相當不錯。)
  • 25、The watchman's spirit understood the language of the inhabitants of the moonpretty well.(守夜人的靈魂很能很好理解月球上居民的語言。)
  • 26、My line of work payspretty well.(我的職業(yè)報酬頗豐厚。)
  • 27、She actedpretty well.(她表現得相當好。)
  • 28、But after a decade of practice, I can flypretty well now.(但是經過十年的練習后,我現在能飛得很好了。)

pretty well基本釋義

pretty well

英 [?priti wel] 美 [?pr?ti w?l] 

相當好; 幾乎,差不多