
in a minute造句

in a minute造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:14:50


in a minute造句

  • 1、I'll get to thatin a minute.(我馬上就會講到它。)
  • 2、I'll be with youin a minute. There are a couple of things I have to do first.(我一會兒就到你那里去。我有幾件事情得先處理一下。)
  • 3、Right, I'll be backin a minute.(好,我馬上回來。)
  • 4、I'll be OKin a minute.(我馬上就好。)
  • 5、I will get into thisin a minute.(我馬上就會講到這個。)
  • 6、The rain will bucket downin a minute.(過一會兒就要下傾盆大雨了。)
  • 7、I'll be backin a minute.(我一會兒就回來。)
  • 8、They'll be all rightin a minute.(他們馬上就好了。)
  • 9、We will do the experimentin a minute.(我們馬上就會做這個試驗。)
  • 10、Everybody had to do everything he told them—in a minute.(每個人都必須按他所說的做——立刻就要做。)
  • 11、I'll tell you a bit about the forest and mountain tracksin a minute, but first, I'll just give you an idea of where everything is in the village.(我馬上會告訴你一些關(guān)于森林和山路的信息,但首先,我將告訴你村莊里所有東西的大概位置。)
  • 12、What the botanist tells us after a number of imperfect lectures, the flower proclaimedin a minute.(植物學家需要開幾次不完美講座之后才能告訴我們的事情,花在一分鐘內(nèi)就告訴我們了。)
  • 13、The papers burned upin a minute.(文件立刻燒毀了。)
  • 14、in a minute a cheetah can run about 1 kilometre and a half.(在一分鐘內(nèi),獵豹可以跑大約1公里半。)
  • 15、She'll go awayin a minute.(她一分鐘后就會走開。)
  • 16、And you'll see whyin a minute.(我們馬上看看為什么。)
  • 17、OK, we'll have a careful look at the content of your case studyin a minute, but I just want to make a general comment first, before you start writing your second draft.(好的,我們稍后會仔細看一下你的案例研究的內(nèi)容,但是在你開始寫第二稿之前,我想先做一個大概的評論。)
  • 18、He'll tell me all about theein a minute.(他馬上就會告訴我有關(guān)你的一切。)
  • 19、Comingin a minute, nurse!(過來一會,保姆!)
  • 20、We'll come back to these issuesin a minute, but I'd like to say something about the theories of Robin Dunbar—an anthropologist at Oxford University.(我們稍后會回到這些議題上,但我想談談羅賓·鄧巴的理論——他是牛津大學的人類學家。)
  • 21、I'll ring upin a minute.(我馬上就打電話。)
  • 22、We're going to talkin a minute about those three sections.(我們將用一分鐘的時間講那三大部分。)
  • 23、Someone will be with youin a minute.(一會兒有人接待你的。)
  • 24、Christopher: I'll be downin a minute.(克里斯托弗:我馬上就下去。) Hao86.com
  • 25、in a minute, I'll show you some of her portraits, and I'll want you to notice a few things about them.(稍后,我會向你們展示一些她的肖像;并且,我希望你們能注意到一些與肖像相關(guān)的事情。)
  • 26、I'll be with youin a minute , Jo.(一會兒見,喬。)
  • 27、She will be backin a minute.(她一會就回來了。)
  • 28、Girl: They willin a minute.(女孩:一會就知道了。)
  • 29、I'll get to the tragedyin a minute.(過一會兒我在說悲劇的事情。)
  • 30、I shall go to sleepin a minute.(我一會兒就要睡覺了。)

in a minute基本釋義

in a minute

英 [in ? ?minit] 美 [?n e ?m?n?t] 
