
since then造句

since then造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:14:43


since then造句

  • 1、since then it may have come down to $50 billion.(從那時(shí)起,它的價(jià)值可能已經(jīng)下降到500億美元。)
  • 2、since then, finding ways to grow more peanuts has been his life goal.(從那時(shí)起,尋找種植更多花生的方法就成了他的人生目標(biāo)。)
  • 3、That was years ago. I've changed jobssince then.(那是多年以前的事了。自那以來我已經(jīng)換過幾個(gè)工作了。)
  • 4、My mother died when I was 14. I've lived with my fathersince then.(我母親在我14歲時(shí)去世了。從那時(shí)起我就和父親一起生活。)
  • 5、since then, we've lived far apart and never seen each other again.(從那以后,我們山南海北再也沒有見過面。)
  • 6、since then, I have been trying to attend dancing classes twice a week after work.(從那以后,我一直嘗試每周下班后去上兩次舞蹈課。)
  • 7、since then, I have been free from the fear of speaking in public.(自那之后,我不再害怕在公開場(chǎng)合講話。)
  • 8、since then, Xue has been a model for the people around her.(從那時(shí)起,薛就成了她周圍人的榜樣。)
  • 9、since then, the so-called "prehistorical power" has gone viral and become a new Internet meme.(從那時(shí)起,“洪荒之力”紅遍全網(wǎng),成為一個(gè)新的表情包。)
  • 10、since then he has been drawing a pension.(從那時(shí)起他一直領(lǐng)退休金。)
  • 11、since then, Einstein's face turned red.(從那時(shí)起,愛因斯坦的臉變紅了。)
  • 12、It's been all downhill for his careersince then, with four defeats in five games.(從那時(shí)起他的戰(zhàn)績(jī)便江河日下,五場(chǎng)比賽輸?shù)袅怂膱?chǎng)。)
  • 13、My brother went to sleep with that story and hasn't feared mothssince then.(我哥哥聽了這個(gè)故事就睡著了,從那以后他再也不害怕飛蛾了。)
  • 14、since then, packaged, pre-prepared meals have been what's for dinner.(從那時(shí)起,包裝好的、預(yù)先準(zhǔn)備好的食物就成了人們的晚餐。)
  • 15、since then it has evolved into a global crisis.(從那以后,它演變成了一場(chǎng)全球危機(jī)。)
  • 16、since then, all the people have spent the festival with different kinds of activities.(從那時(shí)起,所有的人都用不同的活動(dòng)度過了這個(gè)節(jié)日。)
  • 17、"since then," Toebe said, "she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use."(托比說:“從那以后,她一直信守承諾,減少上網(wǎng)時(shí)間。”)
  • 18、Ford has changedsince then.(自從那以后,福特有了變化。)
  • 19、It has added new emojis every yearsince then. These new emojis do not come out of anywhere.(從那以后,它每年都增加新的表情符號(hào)。這些新的表情符號(hào)并不是憑空而來的。)
  • 20、since then, arguments for and against homework have continued to multiply.(從那時(shí)起,支持與反對(duì)家庭作業(yè)的爭(zhēng)論不斷增加。)
  • 21、since then, Michael has lived an unexceptional life.(從那時(shí)開始,麥克爾就過著普通的生活。)
  • 22、In some long-fished areas, it has halved againsince then.(自那時(shí)起,在一些長(zhǎng)期捕魚的地區(qū),它的數(shù)量又減少了一半。)
  • 23、Then I came back, moved to Sheffield, and have been working with Latimer Engineeringsince then.(然后我回來,搬去謝菲爾德,從那時(shí)起一直在拉蒂默工程公司工作。)
  • 24、Executives pledged to get the company back on track.since then, though, shares have fallen 30 per cent.(主管們發(fā)誓要讓公司重上軌道,不過從那以后股票價(jià)格還是下降了30%。)
  • 25、since then Ms. Whisker has been a regular visitor to Kate's London apartment.(從那以后,Whisker女士就成了凱特倫敦公寓的常客。) haO86.com
  • 26、She had a sort of breakdown some years ago, andsince then she has been very shy.(她幾年前曾遭遇精神崩潰,從那以后她一直怯生生的。)
  • 27、since then, I have taken courses like Data Science and Advanced Mathematics.(從那時(shí)起,我就在上《數(shù)據(jù)科學(xué)》和《高等數(shù)學(xué)》之類的課程了。)
  • 28、since then, hurricane incidence has dropped off the charts.(從那時(shí)起,圖表上的數(shù)據(jù)已經(jīng)顯示了颶風(fēng)發(fā)生率在下降。)

since then基本釋義

since then

英 [sins een] 美 [s?ns e?n] 
