apply to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:15:06


apply to造句

  • 1、While her observations may be true about some men, they could hardlyapply to the entire gender.(她的觀察對某些男人可能是對的,但并不適用于所有男性。)
  • 2、The new rules onlyapply to students in their first or second year.(這項新規(guī)定只適用于大一或大二的學生。)
  • 3、What is true for TV broadcasts will perforce alsoapply to print media.(在電視廣播上適用的勢必也適用于印刷媒體。)
  • 4、Here are the answers—although I'm sure that the information could equally wellapply to countries other than those I have chosen.(這里是一些答案,盡管我確信,這些信息同樣適用于我未選擇的其他國家。)
  • 5、They mayapply to join the organization.(他們可能申請加入該組織。)
  • 6、By the 1950s, most schools required a brief personal statement of why the student had chosen toapply to one school over another.(到了20世紀50年代,大多數(shù)學校都要求學生提供一份簡短的個人陳述,說明為什么選擇申請這所學校。)
  • 7、I may as wellapply to these universities, which provide really good financial aid.(我應該也申請這些能給予豐厚補助的學校。)
  • 8、Three letters of recommendation are required toapply to graduate schools.(申請研究生院需要三封推薦信。)
  • 9、Normally sensible IT professionals often do not believe that the "laws of software physics"apply to the deployment of new software development tools.(正常而明智的信息技術專業(yè)人員經(jīng)常不相信“軟件物理學法則”適用于新的軟件開發(fā)工具的部署。)
  • 10、Fearful parents urge their children toapply to more schools than ever.(憂心忡忡的父母督促他們的孩子比以往申請更多的學校。)
  • 11、At your suggestion, I am going toapply to an exchange program.(在你的建議下,我準備申請成為交換生。)
  • 12、Studentsapply to the program directly through their schools.(學生直接通過他們的學校來申請項目。)
  • 13、If you think this does notapply to you, then here is a simple test to show you are wrong.(如果你認為這并不適用于你,那么這里有一個能夠證明你的錯誤的簡單測試。)
  • 14、Find out ahead of time what regulationsapply to your situation.(提前弄清楚什么規(guī)定適合你的情況。)
  • 15、The same disadvantages canapply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion.(合租公寓也有同樣的缺點,在決定誰付什么錢以及付款份額時還會遇到額外的困難。)
  • 16、Underline the following thatapply to you.(在以下適用于你的部分下面劃線。)
  • 17、If you are a top-level manager seeking an unparalleled general management education,apply to the Chicago GSB M.B.A.(如果你是一個尋求無與倫比的綜合管理教育的高層管理者,申請芝加哥工商管理學院的MBA。)
  • 18、This does not justapply to the scholarship essays, either.(這也不僅僅適用于學術論文。)
  • 19、For many British people, that canapply to institutions and objects that represent their country's past age old castles, splendid homes and red phone boxes.(對于許多英國人來說,這可以適用于代表他們國家過去年代的機構和物品,古老的城堡,輝煌的住宅和紅色的電話亭。)
  • 20、Apart from the drivers, the traffic rulesapply to the pedestrians, cyclists or others contributing to an accident.(除了司機以外,交通規(guī)則還適用于行人、騎自行車的人,或者其他造成交通事故的人。)
  • 21、Although the study was conducted in a lowly fruit fly, the principles were very likelyapply to many animals.(盡管這項研究是在低級的果蠅上進行,這個原則很可能適用于許多動物。)
  • 22、Finally, the good reader has at his command several special skills which he canapply to reading problems as they occur.(最后,優(yōu)秀的讀者掌握了幾種特殊的技巧,當出現(xiàn)閱讀問題時,他可以運用這些技巧。)
  • 23、I was reluctant toapply to be an exchanged student at the beginning, but then I changed my mind.(我一開始不愿意申請成為交換生,但后來我改變了主意。)
  • 24、The tax willapply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas.(該稅將適用于普通汽水和無糖汽水,以及其他添加糖的飲料,例如佳得樂和冰茶。)
  • 25、This does notapply to everyone, so it is essential to establish your own rhythm.(這并不適用于每個人,所以找到自己的節(jié)奏很重要。)
  • 26、Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future,apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.(與此同時,如果你想在未來不確定的情況下買一套廉價的房子,那就向英格蘭南海岸某一個受威脅地區(qū)的房產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀人提出申請。)
  • 27、The convention does notapply to us.(該協(xié)定對我們不適用。)
  • 28、How does itapply to animals ?(這是如何適用于動物身上的呢?)
  • 29、But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from clear how many people this willapply to.(但是,如果賦予夏威夷土著人更大的自治權,這將適用于多少人還不太清楚。)
  • 30、A second problem is that stereotypes, regardless of whether or not they're accurate, can have a negative effect on the people that theyapply to.(第二個問題是,無論刻板印象是否準確,都會對他們所適用的人產(chǎn)生負面影響。)

apply to基本釋義

apply to

英 [??plai tu:] 美 [??pla? tu] 
適用于; 運用于