
from then on造句

from then on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:14:39


from then on造句

  • 1、Itwill largely determine how you read the bookfrom then on.(它能很大程度上決定,從此刻起,你將會如何閱讀這本書。)
  • 2、from then on, I worked even harder in school, earning a's.(打那之后,我在學校更加努力的學習,取得了多科a的成績。)
  • 3、She left in 1984 andfrom then on he lived alone.(她于1984年離去,從那時起他便獨自一人生活。)
  • 4、from then on, she was looked as a hero.(從那時起,她被視為英雄。)
  • 5、from then on, it was just a question of time.(自那以后,便只剩下了一個時間問題。)
  • 6、from then on he never trusted her again.(從那時起,他再也不信任她了。)
  • 7、from then on, we focused on playing not only Asian but World football.(從那時起,我們踢的就不僅僅是亞洲足球,而是世界足球。)
  • 8、Instead, he told her to wear trousers to workfrom then on.(相反,從那時起,他就讓她穿褲子上班。)
  • 9、from then on, English becomes my favorite lesson.(從此,我喜歡上了英語。)
  • 10、from then on, that security module decides what's allowed.(從那時以后,那個安全模塊將判定什么是允許的。)
  • 11、The requests will be successfulfrom then on.(在此之后,請求會成功。)
  • 12、from then on I had a relationship with this club.(從那時起,我就與這家俱樂部有了關系。)
  • 13、from then on, it's always been my decision.(此后這就成了我的決定。)
  • 14、We become companion in misfortunefrom then on.(從那時起,我們就成了患難之交。)
  • 15、from then on, Dog always plays with Farmer's baby.(從那以后,小狗經(jīng)常和農(nóng)夫的小孩玩耍。)
  • 16、They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of thingsfrom then on.(他們對我很感興趣,從那時起我學到了很多東西。)
  • 17、from then on, the same thing happened every day until one evening the phone rang.(從那以后,每天都發(fā)生同樣的事情,直到有一天晚上,電話鈴響了。)
  • 18、Andfrom then on no one dared ask him any more questions.(從此以后,沒有人敢再問他什么。)
  • 19、from then on, he was recognized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor.(從此以后,他被視為一位有著超常能力的藝術家,不僅僅是位作曲家,而且還是鋼琴家和指揮家。)
  • 20、from then on, events unfolded with alarming and confusing speed.(從那時起,事件發(fā)生的速度令人瞠目結舌,匪夷所思。)
  • 21、from then on, I persisted in running in the morning.(從那以后,我就堅持晨跑了。)
  • 22、from then on Google realised it was in the data-mining business.(從此以后,谷歌意識到他們是在做數(shù)據(jù)挖掘業(yè)務。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、from then on, magic had to be young William's life.(從此以后,小威廉注定要獻身魔術。)
  • 24、"from then on, I knew exactly what I wanted to do," Olson said.(“從此以后,我清楚地知道自己究竟想做什么了?!眾W爾森說。)
  • 25、from then on his sketches, which appeared under the pen name "Boz" in The Evening Chronicle, earned him a modest reputation.(從那時起,他以筆名“博茲”出現(xiàn)在《紀事晚報》上的速寫作品里,這些小品文為他贏得了一定的聲譽。)
  • 26、from then on, you'll start to see career opportunities fall from the sky, as if you had poked a pinata.(從那時起,你會開始看到事業(yè)機遇從天而降,就像你戳破了一個皮納塔。)

from then on基本釋義

from then on

英 [fr?m een ?n] 美 [fr?m e?n ɑn] 

從此; 從那時起