
collision course造句

collision course造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:44:43


collision course造句

  • 1、Or are we on acollision course with some future crisis whose advancing outlines we can dimly perceive but seem powerless to stop?(或者我們真的是在一個(gè)有著一些可察覺卻無力改變的未來危機(jī)的碰撞航線上?)
  • 2、A giant iceberg was on acollision course with the ship.(巨大的冰山正在朝著可能與船發(fā)生相撞的方向漂移。)
  • 3、This paper uses dynamic contact FEM to analyze impact andcollision course of dynamic compaction to foundation soil.(本文采用動(dòng)力接觸有限元法分析了強(qiáng)夯對地基土的沖擊碰撞過程。夯擊過程中,夯點(diǎn)周邊地基土存在局部大變形現(xiàn)象。)
  • 4、An asteroid is on acollision course with the earth and you have one hour left to live. What would you do in your last 60 minutes?(如果一顆小行星即將與地球相撞,人類只能存活最后一小時(shí),在這最后的60分鐘里,你會(huì)做些什么呢?)
  • 5、In short, the two parties remain on acollision course, with the train wreck currently scheduled for April 8th.(簡而言之,兩黨仍在碰撞的過程中,目前預(yù)定這輛火車在4月8號失事。)
  • 6、I was on acollision course with my boss over the sales figures.(我和我的老板在銷售數(shù)字問題上差點(diǎn)發(fā)生爭執(zhí)。)
  • 7、But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on acollision course with Earth.(但是仍舊有成千上萬顆小行星,它們的軌道是要與地球碰撞的。)
  • 8、The destroyer was turning to acollision course .(驅(qū)逐艦改為迎面開來的航向。) hao86.com
  • 9、For many women, profession and family are pitted against one another on a high-stakescollision course.(對一些女人來說,職業(yè)和家庭在一個(gè)高風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的沖突過程上是互相抵觸的。)
  • 10、Our galaxy is on acollision course with the Andromeda galaxy.(我們的星系刻正移向與仙女座星系碰撞之途。)
  • 11、The two communities are now on acollision course.(這兩個(gè)社區(qū)現(xiàn)在處于可能發(fā)生沖突的狀態(tài)。)
  • 12、There is an asteroid on acollision course with the Earth.(有個(gè)小行星正處于可能與地球發(fā)生碰撞的航向上。)
  • 13、That puts the two companies on acollision course.(這導(dǎo)致了兩家公司之間的碰撞。)
  • 14、So the decision was made to vaporize the spacecraft by putting it on acollision course with Jupiter.(因此,一致決定將伽利略號的航道調(diào)整,使其與木星相撞而墜毀。)
  • 15、Sometimes we're on acollision course and we just don't know it. Whetherit's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it.(有些時(shí)候我們就活在即將發(fā)生沖撞的軌道上,渾然不知無論它是意外發(fā)生還是蓄謀已久,對此我們都無能為力。)
  • 16、Scientists plan to fire a spacecraft into an asteroid in an effort to prepare for one being on a directcollision course with Earth.(據(jù)英國《每日郵報(bào)》8月18日報(bào)道,有一顆小行星正行進(jìn)在一條會(huì)與地球直接相撞的軌道上,為此科學(xué)家們計(jì)劃將航天器發(fā)射至這顆行星。)
  • 17、The two powers were on acollision course.(倆大國在沖突的邊沿。)
  • 18、A roundup of the year's "best" domestic films will set you on acollision course with those with different tastes and yardsticks.(因?yàn)槊總€(gè)人的品味不同,衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)也存在差異,所以如果你想對國內(nèi)的年度“最佳”電影進(jìn)行盤點(diǎn),就一定會(huì)引發(fā)口水戰(zhàn)。)
  • 19、Such asteroids would be particularly influenced by Jupiter's gravity, which could nudge them onto acollision course with Earth.(木星的強(qiáng)大引力會(huì)嚴(yán)重地影響它們,讓它們撞上地球。)
  • 20、Some say it's out there: a mysterious Planet X, aka Nibiru, on acollision course with earth-or at least a disruptive flyby.(又有人說,一個(gè)神秘的行星X,又稱尼比奴(Nibiru)會(huì)與地球相撞,或者至少是一次具有破壞性的擦肩而過。)
  • 21、Apple's announcement that it was diving into the growing e-book business put the company on acollision course with Amazon.(蘋果的公告將會(huì)在不斷增長的電子書領(lǐng)域與亞馬遜產(chǎn)生競爭。)
  • 22、It is very difficult to accurately calculate the collision force and nonlinear responses of bridge during ship-bridgecollision course.(橋梁在船舶碰撞時(shí)受到的動(dòng)力載荷和響應(yīng)是復(fù)雜的動(dòng)力非線性問題。)
  • 23、Three years later, Salla's nav computer malfunctioned and deposited her vessel on acollision course with a neutron star.(三年后,薩拉的飛船因?qū)Ш诫娔X故障,鎖定航線向一顆中子星撞去。)

collision course基本釋義

collision course

英 [k??li??n k??(r)s] 美 [k??l???n k??(r)s] 
