call on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:43:55


call on造句

  • 1、He had seen me several times and had intended tocall on me long before but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it—signed Jay Gatsby in a majestic hand.(他見過我?guī)状?,早就打算來看我了,但是由于種種特殊的情況,他沒有來——他威嚴地簽下名字:杰伊·蓋茨比。)
  • 2、It's never the wrong time tocall on Toad.(拜訪托德的時機永遠不會錯。)
  • 3、The president paid a courtesycall on Emperor Akihito.(總統(tǒng)禮節(jié)性地拜訪了明仁天皇。)
  • 4、If you are making a long distancecall on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.(如果你用公共電話打長途,錢花光了,把你的電話號碼給你正在通話的人,然后掛上電話,他會給你回電話的。)
  • 5、I've never even ventured tocall on him at his own home myself, though I know him so well.(雖然我很了解他,但我從來沒有冒險到他家里去拜訪他。)
  • 6、Last but not least, we shouldcall on citizens to take the bus instead of driving a car as much as possible.(最后但同樣重要的是,我們應該呼吁市民盡可能選擇搭乘公交而非駕車出行。)
  • 7、Icall on him on occasion.(我偶爾去拜訪他。)
  • 8、I'm going tocall on one of my former classmates.(我要去看望我的一位老同學。)
  • 9、Also, mothers maycall on their children more often than fathers, given traditional gender norms.(此外,考慮到傳統(tǒng)的性別規(guī)范,母親可能比父親更頻繁地去看望孩子。)
  • 10、I think we should figure out some ways to stop people from polluting the river andcall on them to fight against pollution.(我認為我們應該要想出一些辦法來阻止人們污染這條河,并號召人們同污染做斗爭。)
  • 11、Instructors maycall on you to question that interpretatio.(講師可能會要求您質疑該解釋。)
  • 12、Farmers can alsocall on the services of their local hunt to control the fox population.(農民也可以通過當?shù)氐尼鳙C服務來控制狐貍的數(shù)量。)
  • 13、On my way home Icall on my friend Jack.(在回家的路上我順便去拜訪了我的朋友杰克。)
  • 14、The children always have firstcall on her time.(她的時間總是先花在孩子們身上。)
  • 15、I'llcall on you in my spare time.(有空我去找你。)
  • 16、Sofia was intending tocall on Miss Kitts.(索菲婭打算去拜訪基茨小姐。)
  • 17、We''llcall on you next week.(下周我們要拜訪你。)
  • 18、Well, then, supposing we go andcall on HIM?(那么,我們去拜訪他怎么樣?)
  • 19、OK if Icall on you tomorrow?(我明天來找你行嗎?)
  • 20、Kizuna has been invoked by some campaigns tocall on people to unite together to help friends.(一些運動援引了“厚重情誼”號召人們團結起來幫助朋友。)
  • 21、She'llcall on you this afternoon.(她今天下午要來見你。)
  • 22、Grandad said it in acall on Christmas day.(外公在圣誕節(jié)那天的電話里說了這句話。)
  • 23、This was a wonderful thing, indeed, that the Badger should pay a formalcall on them, or indeed on anybody.(獾子班杰正式拜訪他們,或準確說拜訪任何人,都的確是一件了不起的事。)
  • 24、In case of difficulty, justcall on me.(如有困難,找我好了。)
  • 25、What I wanted to ask you was, won't you take me tocall on Mr. Toad?(我想問你的是,你能帶我去拜訪托德先生嗎?)
  • 26、He decided to pay acall on Tommy Cummings.(他決定去拜訪湯米·卡明斯。)
  • 27、Let'scall on John.(咱們去看看約翰吧。)

call on基本釋義

call on

英 [k?:l ?n] 美 [k?l ɑn] 