
see through造句

see through造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 11:43:17


see through造句

  • 1、Maybe she'llsee through.(也許她會識穿。)
  • 2、Thus we can “see through a character's eyes while being encouraged to see more than the character can see”.(作者因而能使(作為讀者的)我們“通過人物的眼睛去看并且使我們比小說中的人物看見的更多”。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 3、I could never lie to my mother because she'dsee through me straight away.(我在我媽面前撒不了謊,因為她一眼就能識破。)
  • 4、"It isn't fair, you can't just leave me here...." I can'tsee through the tears.(“這不公平,你們不能只留我在這里……”透過眼淚,我什么也看不見。)
  • 5、Successful entrepreneurs cansee through a jungle of conflicting data.(成功的企業(yè)家能從復雜的信息網(wǎng)絡中獲取有價值的信息。)
  • 6、Even your next-door neighbour didn'tsee through your disguise.(甚至你隔壁的鄰居都沒有看透你的偽裝。)
  • 7、“Ha, ha, ” Pierre said, “wesee through that.(“哈,哈!”皮埃爾說道,“我們明白了。)
  • 8、Finally, the windshield dried enough for o 'leary tosee through.(擋風玻璃干了,終于使奧利里看得足夠清楚。)
  • 9、You only saw as molessee through their skin.(你僅像鼴鼠樣透過它們的皮膚觀望。)
  • 10、You can'tsee through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.(你不把望遠鏡調(diào)好是看不見東西的。)
  • 11、Tosee through this superstition, however, no way works better than by contrasting it with science.(然而要看透迷信,沒有任何辦法比把它與科學對比更好。)
  • 12、In fact, people on the spectrum oftensee through such surface appearances to discover the real person.(事實上,他們常常會透過這些表面外觀,發(fā)現(xiàn)真實的人。)
  • 13、Move out of the way, please, I can'tsee through you.(請借光,你擋著我就看不見了。)
  • 14、And what will you pick tosee through to completion?(你將會選擇什么去完成?)
  • 15、so when you place the mouse in the tank it cannotsee through.(所以當您將水箱中的鼠標不能識破。)
  • 16、Fortunately, many people cansee through this.(幸好,許多人是能夠分辨是非的。)
  • 17、"Go to the other side of the glass andsee through the hole", instructs her guide.(她的解說提示:“走到玻璃板的另一頭,從洞里往這邊看?!?
  • 18、It can measure light so sensitively as tosee through the top paint surface and uncover the layers below.(這款相機可以精確地測量亮度,能夠透過表層“直視”下面的層次。)
  • 19、You cannot sell artificiality to the Europeans and the Americans. They willsee through it immediately.(歐洲人和美洲人不會接受假唱,他們一眼就能看出來。)
  • 20、Isee through your little game.(我看穿了你那套把戲。)
  • 21、Hanfeng had asked, pretending that he did not understand and knowing that she couldsee through him.(瀚峰問道,假裝不知道母親其實已經(jīng)看穿了自己。)
  • 22、If your God exists, he's smart enough tosee through your fake ID.(如果你的上帝存在,他的智慧應該足以認出你那張假門票。)
  • 23、I think Saint Paul had it right when he said that in this life wesee through a glass darkly and know in part.(我認為圣保羅的話很有道理,他說“在此生,我們是通過一扇模糊的窗子看世界,而且對事物的了解是片面的”。)
  • 24、People came to me for advice because I couldsee through the fog to help them develop a clear picture.(人們來向我尋求建議,因為我能夠穿透云霧而給大家呈現(xiàn)出一副清晰的畫面。)

see through基本釋義

see through

英 [si: θru:] 美 [si θru] 
看透; 識破