send for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:48:15


send for造句

  • 1、When day breaks I'llsend for Green, 'he said;' I wish to make some legal inquiries of him while I can bestow a thought on those matters, and while I can act calmly.(“等天亮?xí)r我要請(qǐng)格林來(lái),”他說(shuō),“在我還能想這些事情,能平靜地安排的時(shí)候,我想問(wèn)他一些關(guān)于法律的事?!?
  • 2、I came late because I had tosend for the doctor for my grandfather.(我來(lái)晚了,因?yàn)槲业媒o我爺爺去請(qǐng)大夫。)
  • 3、I shallsend for my clothes when I get to Longbourn; but I wish you would tell Sally to mend a great slit in my worked muslin gown before they are packed up.(我到了浪搏恩就派人來(lái)取衣服,請(qǐng)你告訴莎蕾一聲,我那件細(xì)洋紗的長(zhǎng)衣服裂了一條大縫,叫她替我收拾行李的時(shí)候,把它補(bǔ)一補(bǔ)。)
  • 4、He must go away and leave us alone until Isend for him again.(他必須離開(kāi),讓我們獨(dú)處,直到我再次派人去叫他。)
  • 5、Be off, before Isend for the police!(走開(kāi),不然我要去叫警察來(lái)。)
  • 6、I'llsend for an electrician (doctor...)(我給您請(qǐng)電工(大夫……)。)
  • 7、When caught, all are liable to prosecution, and the decision whether tosend for the police or not is in the hands of the store manager.(一旦被抓住,所有人都可能被起訴,是否報(bào)警的決定權(quán)在店長(zhǎng)手中。)
  • 8、Pleasesend for a doctor ASAP.(請(qǐng)快去請(qǐng)醫(yī)生。)
  • 9、I-wonder Edgar did notsend for a constable, and give him into custody!(我奇怪埃德加不找個(gè)警察,把他關(guān)起來(lái)!)
  • 10、Even though you have not yet tied the Web services implementation you defined to thesend for Processing activity, you can test the process.(盡管您還沒(méi)有將您定義的實(shí)現(xiàn)綁定到SendForProcessing活動(dòng)中,但您也可以測(cè)試流程。)
  • 11、The elders of his town shallsend for him, bring him back from the city, and hand him over to the avenger of blood to die.(本城的長(zhǎng)老就要打發(fā)人去,從那里帶出他來(lái),交在報(bào)血仇的手中,將他治死。)
  • 12、My dear, you're ill. I'llsend for Doctor Bannochhoven.(親愛(ài)的,你病了。我叫波拿大夫過(guò)來(lái)看你一下。)
  • 13、Edward, I have always known I was not the Henderson girl you intended tosend for.(愛(ài)德華,其實(shí)我早就知道我并不是你所希望的來(lái)這里的女孩。)
  • 14、I shallsend for you sometimes to help—but you must come when no one can see you.(我有時(shí)會(huì)叫你來(lái)幫忙——但你來(lái)的時(shí)候,千萬(wàn)不要被別人看見(jiàn)。)
  • 15、He willsend for me.(他會(huì)派人來(lái)叫我。)
  • 16、I'd like you tosend for a doctor.(我想請(qǐng)你叫人找醫(yī)生來(lái)。)
  • 17、Often did the old priestsend for him, and seek to teach him the love of living things, saying to him: 'The fly is thy brother. Do it no harm.(老牧師常常找他談話,非常希望能夠引導(dǎo)他對(duì)世間萬(wàn)物的愛(ài):“即使蒼蠅也是我們的兄弟手足,請(qǐng)不要傷害他們。)
  • 18、It was nearly bedtime, but she rushed downstairs and asked if she mightsend for the parson.(那時(shí)快到睡覺(jué)的時(shí)候了,但是她卻急忙跑到樓下,問(wèn)要不要去請(qǐng)牧師。)
  • 19、Perhaps, he suggested tentatively, they shouldsend for Dr. Esteves.(他猶猶豫豫地建議道,他們也許應(yīng)該派人去請(qǐng)埃斯特維斯醫(yī)生。)
  • 20、A representative post is: "Paul you are a God-send for those of us who appreciate a superior intellect with common sense!"(一個(gè)代表性的評(píng)論就是:“保羅,您是上帝派來(lái)讓我們普通人膜拜的智者!”)
  • 21、She must come and talk to me whenever Isend for her.(不管什么時(shí)候,只要我叫她,她就一定要過(guò)來(lái)跟我聊天。)
  • 22、Your second token and details of how tosend for your poster will be in next week’s Mail on Sunday.(下周的星期日郵報(bào)我們將告訴你如何填寫(xiě)您的資料便于我們?yōu)槟慵暮?bào).)
  • 23、Let ussend for him and see whether he can help.(讓我們把他叫上來(lái),看他是不是能夠幫上忙。)
  • 24、I pray theesend for him quickly, for in search of him have I wandered over the whole world.(求你們快點(diǎn)把他帶過(guò)來(lái)吧,為了找他我跑遍了全世界啊!)
  • 25、I'llsend for an electrician from the maintenance department.(我去請(qǐng)維修部的電工來(lái)。)
  • 26、The automatic activitysend for Processing is not yet tied to the implementation you defined earlier.(自動(dòng)活動(dòng)SendForProcessing還沒(méi)有綁定到您早期定義的實(shí)現(xiàn)中。)

send for基本釋義

send for

英 [send f?:] 美 [s?nd f?r] 
派人去請(qǐng)(拿); 召喚